PHP code example of gigablah / silex-view

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gigablah/silex-view library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gigablah / silex-view example snippets

$app->register(new Gigablah\Silex\View\ViewServiceProvider(), array(
    'view.globals' => array('foo' => 'bar'),
    'view.default_engine' => 'mustache'

$view = $app['view']->create($template = '/path/to/template', $context = array('foo' => 'bar'));

$output = $view->render();
$output = (string) $view;

$view['foo'] = 'bar';
$view->with(array('foo' => 'bar'));

$view->share(array('foo' => 'bar'));

$app->get('/foobar', function () {}); // get_foobar.mustache
$app->get('/', function () {}); // get_.mustache
$app->match('/', function () {}); // _.mustache

$app->match('/', function () {})->bind('home'); // home.mustache

$app->get('/foo', function (Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request) {
    $request->attributes->set('_template', 'foo.html');

$app->get('/bar', function () {
    return array('_template' => 'bar.html');

$app->register(new Gigablah\Silex\View\ViewServiceProvider(), array(
    'view.default_engine' => 'php',
    'view.engines' => array(
        'php' => 'view.engine.plates'

$view->nest($app['view']->create('foobar.html'), 'section');

$view['section'] = $app['view']->create('foobar.html');

$view->nest($app['view']->create('foobar.html'), 'section');
$view->nest($app['view']->create('foobar.html'), 'section'); // foobar.html is now repeated twice

$mustacheView = $app['view']->create('foo.mustache');
$smartyView = $app['view']->create('bar.tpl')->nest($mustacheView, 'section');

$exception = $app['view']->getExceptionBag()->pop();
$exceptions = $app['view']->getExceptionBag()->all();