PHP code example of ghostff / dbug

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ghostff/dbug library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ghostff / dbug example snippets

use Dbug\BittrDbug;

 * @param error handle type
 * @param theme name (bittr|default|yola). Themes can be configures in theme.json
 * @param lines of code to cover before and after the error.
new BittrDbug(BittrDbug::PRETTIFY, 'yola', 20);
#This should be implemented before any other script execution except your autoloader(if using one).

use Dbug\BittrDbug;

new BittrDbug(function (BittrDbug $e) {
        $e->getMessage();  # returns string;
        $e->getCode();  # returns int;
        $e->getFile();  # returns string;
        $e->getLine();  # returns int;
        $e->getTrace();  # returns array;
        $e->getTraceAsString();  # returns string;
#This should be implemented before any other script execution except your autoloader(if using one).

use Dbug\BittrDbug;

 * @param error handle type
 * @param path to save log files.
new BittrDbug(BittrDbug::FILE_LOG, 'path/to/my/log/');
#This should be implemented before any other script execution except your autoloader(if using one).