PHP code example of gettext-voo4 / gettext

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gettext-voo4/gettext library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gettext-voo4 / gettext example snippets

use Gettext\Translations;

//import from a .po file:
$translations = Translations::fromPoFile('locales/gl.po');

//edit some translations:
$translation = $translations->find(null, 'apple');

if ($translation) {

//export to a php array:

//and to a .mo file

use Gettext\Translator;

//Create the translator instance
$t = new Translator();

//Load your translations (exported as PhpArray):

//Use it:
echo $t->gettext('apple'); // "Mazá"

//If you want use global functions:

echo __('apple'); // "Mazá"

use Gettext\GettextTranslator;

//Create the translator instance
$t = new GettextTranslator();

//Set the language and load the domain
$t->loadDomain('messages', 'Locale');

//Use it:
echo $t->gettext('apple'); // "Mazá"

//Or use the gettext functions
echo gettext('apple'); // "Mazá"

//If you want use the global functions

echo __('apple'); // "Mazá"

//And use sprintf/strtr placeholders
echo __('Hello %s', 'world'); //Hello world
echo __('Hello {name}', ['{name}' => 'world']); //Hello world

// __construct($context, $original, $plural)
$translation = new Gettext\Translation('comments', 'One comment', '%s comments');

$translation->setTranslation('Un comentario');
$translation->setPluralTranslation('%s comentarios');

$translation->addReference('templates/comments/comment.php', 34);
$translation->addComment('To display the amount of comments in a post');

echo $translation->getContext(); // comments
echo $translation->getOriginal(); // One comment
echo $translation->getTranslation(); // Un comentario

// etc...

$translations = new Gettext\Translations();

//You can add new translations using the array syntax
$translations[] = new Gettext\Translation('comments', 'One comment', '%s comments');

//Or using the "insert" method
$insertedTranslation = $translations->insert('comments', 'One comments', '%s comments');

//Find a specific translation
$translation = $translations->find('comments', 'One comments');

//Edit headers, domain, etc
$translations->setHeader('Last-Translator', 'Oscar Otero');

$translations = new Gettext\Translations();

//From a file
Gettext\Extractors\Po::fromFile('locales/en.po', $translations);

//From a string
$string = file_get_contents('locales2/en.po');
Gettext\Extractors\Po::fromString($string, $translations);

//Create a Translations instance using a po file
$translations = Gettext\Translations::fromPoFile('locales/en.po');

//Add more messages from other files

//Save to a file
Gettext\Generators\Po::toFile($translations, 'locales/en.po');

//Return as a string
$content = Gettext\Generators\Po::toString($translations);
file_put_contents('locales/en.po', $content);

//Extract messages from a php code file
$translations = Gettext\Translations::fromPhpCodeFile('templates/index.php');

//Export to a po file

//Export to a po string
$content = $translatons->toPoString();
file_put_contents('locales/en.po', $content);

use Gettext\Translator;

//Create a new instance of the translator
$t = new Translator();

//Load the translations using any of the following ways:

// 1. from php files (generated by Gettext\Extractors\PhpArray)

// 2. using the array directly
$array = 

use Gettext\GettextTranslator;

//Create a new instance
$t = new GettextTranslator();

//It detects the environment variables to set the locale, but you can change it:

//Load the domains:
$t->loadDomain('messages', 'project/Locale');
//this means you have the file "project/Locale/gl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po"

//Now you can use it in your templates
echo $t->gettext('apple');

//Register the translator to use the global functions

echo __('apple'); // it's the same than $t->gettext('apple');

use Gettext\Translations;

$translations = Translations::fromPoFile('my-file1.po');

use Gettext\Translations;

//Create a new Translations instances with our translations.

$translations1 = Translations::fromPoFile('my-file1.po');
$translations2 = Translations::fromPoFile('my-file2.po');

//Merge one inside other:

//Now translations1 has all values

use Gettext\Translations;
use Gettext\Merge;

//Scan the php code to find the latest gettext translations
$phpTranslations = Translations::fromPhpCodeFile('my-templates.php');

//Get the translations of the code that are stored in a po file
$poTranslations = Translations::fromPoFile('locale.po');

//Merge the translations from the po file using the references from `$phpTranslations`:
$translations->mergeWith($poTranslations, Merge::REFERENCES_OURS);

//Now save a po file with the result
<!-- index.php -->
		<?= __('Hello world');