PHP code example of get-stream / stream

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download get-stream/stream library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


get-stream / stream example snippets

// Instantiate a new client, find your API keys in the dashboard.
$client = new GetStream\Stream\Client('YOUR_API_KEY', 'YOUR_API_SECRET');

// Instantiate a feed object
$userFeed = $client->feed('user', '1');

// If you want, you can set a custom http handler
$handler = new \GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack();
$stack->push(Middleware::mapRequest(function (RequestInterface $r) {
    echo 'Sending request to Stream Feeds API: ' . $r->getUri() . PHP_EOL;
    return $r;

// Create a new activity
$data = [
    'actor' => '1',
    'verb' => 'like',
    'object' => '3',
    'foreign_id' => 'like:42',

$response = $userFeed->addActivity($data);

// The response will ctly by their ID or combination of foreign ID and time.
$response = $client->getActivitiesById(['74b9e88a-a684-4197-b30c-f5e568ef9ae2', '965f7ba5-8f1d-4fd1-a9ee-22d1a2832645']);
$response = $client->getActivitiesByForeignId(['fid:123', '2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000000'], ['fid:456', '2006-01-02T16:05:06.000000000']);

// The response will be the json decoded API response.
// {"duration": 45ms, "next": "/api/v1.0/feed/...", "results": [...]}

// Remove an activity by its ID

// To remove activities by their foreign_id, set the "foreign id" flag to true.
$userFeed->removeActivity('like:42', true);

// When user 1 starts following user 37's activities
$userFeed->follow('user', '37');

// When user 1 stops following user 37's activities
$userFeed->unfollow('user', '37');

// Retrieve followers of a feed

// Retrieve feeds followed by $userFeed

// Create a bit more complex activity with custom fields
$data = [
    'actor' => 1,
    'verb' => 'run',
    'object' => 1,
    'foreign_id' => 'run:42',

    // Custom fields:
    'course' => [
        'name'=> 'Golden Gate park',
        'distance'=> 10,
    'participants' => ['Thierry', 'Tommaso'],
    'started_at' => new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('Pacific/Nauru'),

// Add an activity and push it to other feeds too using the `to` field
$data = [
    'actor' => '1',
    'verb' => 'like',
    'object' => '3',
    'to' => [


// Batch adding activities
$activities = [
    ['actor' => '1', 'verb' => 'tweet', 'object' => '1'],
    ['actor' => '2', 'verb' => 'like', 'object' => '3'],


// Batch operations (batch activity add, batch follow)
$batcher = $client->batcher();

// Add one activity to many feeds
$activity = ['actor' => '1', 'verb' => 'tweet', 'object' => '1'];
$feeds = ['user:1', 'user:2'];

$batcher->addToMany($activity, $feeds);

// Create many follow relations
$follows = [
    ['source' => 'user:b1', 'target' => 'user:b2'],
    ['source' => 'user:b1', 'target' => 'user:b3'],


// Generating a user token
$userToken = $client->createUserSessionToken("the-user-id");

try {
}catch(StreamFeedException $e){
    $limit = $e->getRateLimitLimit();
    $remaining = $e->getRateLimitRemaining();
    $reset = $e->getRateLimitReset(); // a unix timestamp

$reaction = $client->reactions()->add('like', $activity_id, 'bob');

$bob_likes = $client->reactions()->filter('user_id', 'bob', 'like');


$user = $client->users()->add('42');

$user =  $client->users()->update('42', array('name' => 'Arthur Dent');
