PHP code example of get-stream / stream-chat

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download get-stream/stream-chat library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


get-stream / stream-chat example snippets

$client = new GetStream\StreamChat\Client("<api-key>", "<api-secret>");

$token = $client->createToken("bob-1");

// with an expiration time
$expiration = (new DateTime())->getTimestamp() + 3600;
$token = $client->createToken("bob-1", $expiration);

$bob = [
    'id' => 'bob-1',
    'role' => 'admin',
    'name' => 'Robert Tables',

$bob = $client->upsertUser($bob);

// Batch update is also supported
$jane = ['id' => 'jane', 'role' => 'admin'];
$june = ['id' => 'june', 'role' => 'user'];
$tom = ['id' => 'tom', 'role' => 'guest'];
$users = $client->upsertUsers([$jane, $june, $tom]);

$channelConf = [
    'name' => 'livechat',
    'automod' => 'disabled',
    'commands' => ['ban'],
    'mutes' => true

$channelType = $client->createChannelType($channelConf);

$allChannelTypes =  $client->listChannelTypes();

$channel = $client->Channel("messaging", "bob-and-jane");
$state = $channel->create("bob-1", ['bob-1', 'jane']);
$channel->addMembers(['mike', 'joe']);

$msg_bob = $channel->sendMessage(["text" => "Hi June!"], 'bob-1');

// Reply to a message
$reply_bob = $channel->sendMessage(["text" => "Long time no see!"], 'bob-1', $msg_bob['message']['id']);

$channel->sendReaction($reply_bob['message']['id'], ['type' => 'like'], 'june');


$channel->banUser('june', ["reason" => "Being a big jerk", "timeout" => 5, "user_id" => 'bob-1']);
$channel->unbanUser('june', ["user_id" => 'bob-1']);

$device_id = "iOS_Device_Token_123";
$client->addDevice($device_id, "apn", "june");
$devices = $client->getDevices('june');

$client->deleteDevice($device_id, 'june');

class MyDateTime extends \DateTime implements \JsonSerializable
    public function jsonSerialize()
        // Note: this returns ISO8601
        // but it's compatible with 3339
       return $this->format("c");

$createdAt = new MyDateTime();

	['type' => "messaging"], 
	['created_at' => ['$lte' => $createdAt]], 
	['limit' => 10]