1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gepo/apns-http2 library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
nt = new \Apns\Client(__DIR__ . '/certs/apns-dev-cert.pem', true); // true is for sandbox
$message = (new \Apns\Message())
->setAlert('Test message')
pns\Client as ApnsClient;
use Apns\Message as ApnsMessage;
use Apns\Exception\ApnsException;
$token = 'a00915e74d60d71ba3fb80252a5e197b60f2e7743f61b4411c713e9aabd2854f';
// Check if token format is valid
if ((!ctype_xdigit($token)) || (64 != strlen($token))) {
die('Token is invalid!');
// Create client with production certificate and passphrase
$client = new ApnsClient(
__DIR__ . '/certs/apns-prod-cert.pem',
false // false is for production
// Get topic from certificate file
if ($cert = openssl_x509_parse(file_get_contents($apnsClient->getSslCert()[0]))) {
$topic = $cert['subject']['UID'];
// Create message
$message = (new ApnsMessage())
->setAlert('This is a test message sent on '.gmdate('r'))
'Key1' => 'Value1',
'Key2' => 'Value2',
'Key3' => 'Value3',
// Send it and catch errors
try {
} catch (ApnsException $e) {
// https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/RemoteNotificationsPG/CommunicatingwithAPNs.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008194-CH11-SW17
switch ($e->getMessage()) {
case 'BadDeviceToken':
case 'ExpiredProviderToken':
case 'InvalidProviderToken':
case 'MissingProviderToken':
case 'Unregistered':
// do something, ie. remove the token from your list
case 'BadCollapseId':
case 'BadExpirationDate':
case 'BadMessageId':
case 'BadPriority':
// do something, ie. check your parameters
case 'BadTopic':
case 'MissingTopic':
case 'DeviceTokenNotForTopic':
// do something, ie. check that your topic is ok
case 'BadCertificate':
// do something, ie. check the certificate you provided
case 'BadCertificateEnvironment':
// do something, ie. check your certificate/environment (sandbox or production)
case 'TooManyRequests':
case 'TooManyProviderTokenUpdates':
// do something, ie. throttle your requests
// do something
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