PHP code example of geniv / nette-prtpe

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download geniv/nette-prtpe library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


geniv / nette-prtpe example snippets

use Prtpe\Prtpe;
/** @var Prtpe @inject */
public $prtpe;

// init settings prtple payment gate
$prtpe->setTest(true|false) : void

// is test mode?
$prtpe->isTestMode() : bool

// set part custom descriptor
$prtpe->setDescriptor($text = 'vs: XXXYYY') : Prtpe

// manual enable create registration token
$prtpe->setStorePayment($state = true) : Prtpe

// add registration code for select storage payment
$prtpe->addRegistration($registrationId = '##id##') : Prtpe

// payment is success or not
$pay->isSuccess() : bool

// result prtpe status code (
$pay->getResultCode(): string

// checkout id or payment id
$pay->getId() : strign

// registration id registred payment
$pay->getRegistrationId() : string

// array from payment gateway
$pay->getResult() : array

// value from array payment gateway
$pay->getResult('amount') : string

// send checkout
$checkout = $prtpe->checkout($price, 'VISA', $currency) : Response

// get inline script
$prtpe->getPaymentWidgetsScript($checkoutId) : string

// get url form
$prtpe->getPaymentWidgetsForm($shopperResultUrl = $this->link('success'), $brands = ['VISA', 'MASTER']) : string

// get status checkout
$status = $prtpe->getStatusCheckout($resourcePath) : Response

// new credit card
$card = new Card($number, $holder, $expiryMonth, $expiryYear, $cvv) : Card

// send payment
$pay = $prtpe->payment($card, $price, 'VISA', $currency) : Response

// get status payment
$pay = $prtpe->getStatusPayment($checkoutId = '##id##') : Response

// store card
$pay = $prtpe->storePaymentData($card) : Response

// recurent payment, send payment
$pay = $prtpe->sendRepeatedPayment($idRegistration, $price, 'VISA', $currency) : Response

// recurent payment, delete payment
$pay = $prtpe->deleteStorePaymentData($idRegistration) : Response

// checkout

try {
    $prtpe = $this->prtpe->setDescriptor('vs:123'));

    $checkout = $prtpe->checkout(10);
    if ($checkout->isSuccess()) {
        $paymentWidgetsScript = $prtpe->getPaymentWidgetsScript($checkout->getId());
        $paymentWidgetsForm = $prtpe->getPaymentWidgetsForm($this->link('//success'));
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $this->flashMessage($e->getMessage(), 'danger');

try {
    $statusCheckout = $this->prtpe->getStatusCheckout($resourcePath);
    if ($statusCheckout->isSuccess()) {
        // save $statusCheckout
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $this->flashMessage($e->getMessage(), 'danger');

$pay = $this->prtpe
    ->sendRepeatedPayment($idRegistration, 10);
"php": ">=5.6.0",
"curl/curl": "^1.6"