PHP code example of genesisgateway / genesis_php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download genesisgateway/genesis_php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


genesisgateway / genesis_php example snippets



# Supported values: sandbox or production
environment         = sandbox

# Supported values: test, testing, staging or live, prod, production
endpoint            = ENTER_YOUR_ENDPOINT

# Credentials
username            = ENTER_YOUR_USERNAME
password            = ENTER_YOUR_PASSWORD

# Optional for WPF requests
token               = ENTER_YOUR_TOKEN

# Smart Router endpoint for Financial Transactions
# Doesn't 

// Load the pre-configured ini file...

// ...OR, optionally, you can set the credentials manually

// Create a new Genesis instance with desired API request
$genesis = new \Genesis\Genesis('Financial\Cards\Authorize');

// Set request parameters
        ->setUsage('40208 concert tickets')

        // Customer Details
        ->setCustomerEmail('[email protected]')

        // Credit Card Details
        ->setCardHolder('Travis Pastrana')

        // Billing/Invoice Details
        ->setBillingAddress1('Muster Str. 12')
        ->setBillingCity('Los Angeles')

    // Send the request

    // Successfully completed the transaction - display the gateway unique id
    echo $genesis->response()->getResponseObject()->unique_id;
// Log/handle API errors
// Example: Invalid data, Invalid configuration
catch (\Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorAPI $api) {
// Log/handle invalid parameters
// Example: Empty (
 composer.phar update

// Load the pre-configured ini file...

// ...OR, optionally, you can set the credentials manually

// Create a new Genesis instance with Web Payment Form transaction request
/** @var \Genesis\Genesis $genesis */
$genesis = new Genesis('WPF\Create');

// Assign $request variable. In some editors, auto-completion will guide you with the request building
/** @var \Genesis\API\Request\WPF\Create $request */
$request = $genesis->request();

// Set request parameters
    ->setUsage('40208 concert tickets')
    ->setDescription('You are buying concert tickets!')

    // Notification parameters

    // Asynchronous parameters

    // Customer Details
    ->setCustomerEmail('[email protected]')

    // Billing/Invoice Details
    ->setBillingAddress1('Muster Str. 12')
    ->setBillingCity('Los Angeles')

    // Web Payment Form language, default is EN if no language is provided

    // Set the Web Payment Form time to live, default value 30 minutes if no value is provided

    // Transaction Type without Custom Attribute

    // Transaction Type with Custom Attribute
    ->addTransactionType(\Genesis\API\Constants\Transaction\Types::PAYSAFECARD, ['customer_id' => '123456']);

    // Send the request

    // Successfully completed the transaction - redirect the customer to the provided URL
    echo $genesis->response()->getResponseObject()->redirect_url;
// Log/handle API errors
// Example: Invalid data, Invalid configuration
catch (\Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorAPI $api) {
// Log/handle invalid parameters
// Example: Empty (



oad the pre-configured ini file...

// ...OR, optionally, you can set the credentials manually

try {   
    // Create a new Genesis instance with desired API request
    $genesis = new \Genesis\Genesis('Financial\Cards\Sale3D');
    /** @var \Genesis\API\Request\Financial\Cards\Sale3D $sale_3ds_v2_request */
    $sale_3ds_v2_request = $genesis->request();
    // Set request parameters
        ->setUsage('40208 concert tickets')
        // Return URLS
        // Customer Details
        ->setCustomerEmail('[email protected]')
        // Credit Card Details
        ->setCardHolder('FirstName LastName')

        // Test Cases
        ->setCardNumber('4012000000060085') // Test Case: Synchronous 3DSv2 Request with Frictionless flow
        //->setCardNumber('4066330000000004') // Test Case: Asynchronous 3DSv2 Request with 3DS-Method and Frictionless flow
        //->setCardNumber('4918190000000002') // Test Case: Asynchronous 3DSv2 Request with Challenge flow
        //->setCardNumber('4938730000000001') // Test Case: Asynchronous 3DSv2 Request with 3DS-Method Challenge flow
        //->setCardNumber('4901170000000003') // Test Case: Asynchronous 3DSv2 Request with Fallback flow
        //->setCardNumber('4901164281364345') // Test Case: Asynchronous 3DSv2 Request with 3DS-Method Fallback flow
        // Billing/Invoice Details
        ->setBillingAddress1('Muster Str. 12')
        ->setBillingCity('Los Angeles')

        // 3DSv2 params

        // 3DSv2 Method Attributes
        // 3DSv2 Control Attributes
        // 3DSv2 Purchase Attributes
        // 3DSv2 Merchant Risk Attributes
        ->setThreedsV2MerchantRiskGiftCard(true) // Boolean attribute. Accepts values like `on`, `off`, `yes`, `no`, `true`, `false`, etc...
        // 3DSSv2 Card Holder Account Attributes
        // 3DSv2 Browser Attributes
        ->setThreedsV2BrowserAcceptHeader('*/*') // Exact content of the HTTP accept headers as sent to the 3DS Requester from the Cardholder browser
        ->setThreedsV2BrowserJavaEnabled(false) // Boolean attribute. Accepts values like `on`, `off`, `yes`, `no`, `true`, `false`, etc...
        ->setThreedsV2BrowserUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.97 Safari/537.36')
        // 3DSv2 SDK Attributes
        ->setThreedsV2SdkUiTypes( // Also accepts a single string value ->setThreedsV2SdkUiTypes('text')
        // 3DSv2 Recurring Attributes
        // Available only for the Init Recurring Sale 3D Request
        //    ->setThreedsV2RecurringExpirationDate('12-12-2030')
        //    ->setThreedsV2RecurringFrequency(2);

    // Send the request

    // Un/Successfully completed the transaction - display the gateway unique id
    echo $genesis->response()->getResponseObject()->unique_id;
    // Status of the initial request
    echo $genesis->response()->getResponseObject()->status;

    switch ($genesis->response()->getResponseObject()->status) {
        case \Genesis\API\Constants\Transaction\States::APPROVED:
            // Transaction approved no customer action 

oad the pre-configured ini file...

// ...OR, optionally, you can set the credentials manually

try {   
    // Create a new Genesis instance with desired API request
    $genesis = new \Genesis\Genesis('WPF\Create');
    /** @var \Genesis\API\Request\WPF\Create $wpf_3ds_v2_request */
    $wpf_3ds_v2_request = $genesis->request();

        ->setUsage('40208 concert tickets')

        // Return URLS
        // Optional Url used for specific cases

        // Customer Details
        ->setCustomerEmail('[email protected]')
        // Billing/Invoice Details
        ->setBillingAddress1('Muster Str. 12')
        ->setBillingCity('Los Angeles')

        // Optional Description
        ->setDescription('Example Description')
        // Desired Transaction Type

        // 3DSv2 Control Attributes
        // 3DSv2 Purchase Attributes
        // 3DSv2 Merchant Risk Attributes
        ->setThreedsV2MerchantRiskPreOrderDate('31-12-2030') // For a pre-ordered purchase, the expected date that the merchandise will be available.
        ->setThreedsV2MerchantRiskGiftCard(true) // Boolean attribute. Accepts values like `on`, `off`, `yes`, `no`, `true`, `false`, etc...
        // 3DSSv2 Card Holder Account Attributes

        // 3DSv2 Recurring Attributes
        // Available only for the Init Recurring Sale 3D Request
        ->setThreedsV2RecurringExpirationDate('12-12-2030') // A future date indicating the end date for any further subsequent transactions.

    // Send the request
    // Upon successful `$genesis->response()->getResponseObject()->status === 'new'`
    // Redirect to the Web Payment Form
    echo $genesis->response()->getResponseObject()->redirect_url;
    // ThreedsV2 Signature
    echo $genesis->request()->generateThreedsV2Signature();  
// Log/handle API errors
// Example: Invalid data, Invalid configuration
catch (\Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorAPI $api) {
// Log/handle invalid parameters
// Example: Empty (

oad the pre-configured ini file...

// ...OR, optionally, you can set the credentials manually

try {   
    // Create a new Genesis instance with desired API request
    $genesis_3ds_v2_continue = new \Genesis\Genesis('Financial\Cards\Threeds\V2\MethodContinue');

    /** @var \Genesis\API\Request\Financial\Cards\Threeds\V2\MethodContinue $continueRequest */
    $genesis_3ds_v2_continue_request = $genesis_3ds_v2_continue->request();

        // Amount in minor currency unit
        // If the AMOUNT is not in a minor currency unit then SET the CURRENCY. The AMOUNT will be converted into minor currency unit internally using the CURRENCY property.
        // Ex. ->setAmount(10.00)->setCurrency('EUR'); The AMOUNT in that case for signature generation will be 1000
        // Amount is included in the response from the initial request in major currency unit $genesis->response()->getResponseObject()->amount
        // If CURRENCY is set, AMOUNT value will be converted into MINOR currency unit
        // If you SET the AMOUNT in MINOR currency unit DO NOT set CURRENCY
        // Currency is included in the response from the initial request in major currency unit $genesis->response()->getResponseObject()->currency

        // Set only one of the unique_id or url

        // String representation of the timestamp
        // ->setTransactionTimestamp(
        //     $responseObject->timestamp->format(
        //         \Genesis\API\Constants\DateTimeFormat::YYYY_MM_DD_H_I_S_ZULU
        //     )
        // )


    switch ($genesis_3ds_v2_continue->response()->getResponseObject()->status) {
        case \Genesis\API\Constants\Transaction\States::APPROVED:
            // Asynchronous 3DSv2 Request with 3DS-Method and Frictionless flow
            // Transaction approved no customer action 

ad the pre-configured ini file...
// ...OR, optionally, you can set the credentials manually

// Google Pay token
$jsonToken = "{\"protocolVersion\":\"ECv2\",\"signature\":\"MEQCIH6Q4OwQ0jAceFEkGF0JID6sJNXxOEi4r+mA7biRxqBQAiAondqoUpU\/bdsrAOpZIsrHQS9nwiiNwOrr24RyPeHA0Q\\u003d\\u003d\",\"intermediateSigningKey\":{\"signedKey\": \"{\\\"keyExpiration\\\":\\\"1542323393147\\\",\\\"keyValue\\\":\\\"MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE\/1+3HBVSbdv+j7NaArdgMyoSAM43yRydzqdg1TxodSzA96Dj4Mc1EiKroxxunavVIvdxGnJeFViTzFvzFRxyCw\\u003d\\u003d\\\"}\", \"signatures\": [\"MEYCIQCO2EIi48s8VTH+ilMEpoXLFfkxAwHjfPSCVED\/QDSHmQIhALLJmrUlNAY8hDQRV\/y1iKZGsWpeNmIP+z+tCQHQxP0v\"]},\"signedMessage\":\"{\\\"tag\\\":\\\"jpGz1F1Bcoi\/fCNxI9n7Qrsw7i7KHrGtTf3NrRclt+U\\u003d\\\",\\\"ephemeralPublicKey\\\":\\\"BJatyFvFPPD21l8\/uLP46Ta1hsKHndf8Z+tAgk+DEPQgYTkhHy19cF3h\/bXs0tWTmZtnNm+vlVrKbRU9K8+7cZs\\u003d\\\",\\\"encryptedMessage\\\":\\\"mKOoXwi8OavZ\\\"}\"}";
$decodedToken = json_decode($jsonToken, true);

// Create a new Genesis instance with Google Pay API request
$genesis = new Genesis('Financial\Mobile\GooglePay');

// Set request parameters
    // Add Google Pay token details  
    // Use ->setJsonToken($jsonToken) with JSON string for $jsonToken
    ->setTokenSignatures($decodedToken['intermediateSigningKey']['signatures']) // Token Signatures accepts array value
    // Set request parameters
    ->setUsage('40208 concert tickets')
    // Customer Details
    ->setCustomerEmail('[email protected]')
    // Billing/Invoice Details
    ->setBillingAddress1('Muster Str. 12')
    ->setBillingCity('Los Angeles')
    // Shipping Details
    ->setShippingAddress1('Muster Str. 12')
    ->setShippingCity('Los Angeles')

try {
    // Send the request

    // Successfully completed the transaction - display the gateway unique id
    echo $genesis->response()->getResponseObject()->unique_id;
// Log/handle API errors
// Example: Invalid data, Invalid configuration
catch (\Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorAPI $api) {
// Log/handle invalid parameters
// Example: Empty (

ad the pre-configured ini file...
// ...OR, optionally, you can set the credentials manually

// Create a new Genesis instance with Web Payment Form request
$genesis = new Genesis('WPF\Create');

// Set request parameters
    ->setUsage('40208 concert tickets')
    ->setDescription('WPF Google Pay test transaction')

    // Customer Details
    ->setCustomerEmail('[email protected]')

    // Billing/Invoice Details
    ->setBillingAddress1('Muster Str. 12')
    ->setBillingCity('Los Angeles')

    // Shipping Details
    ->setShippingAddress1('Muster Str. 12')
    ->setShippingCity('Los Angeles')
    ->addTransactionType('google_pay', ['payment_subtype' => 'sale']);

try {
    // Send the request

    // Successfully completed the transaction - display the gateway unique id
    echo $genesis->response()->getResponseObject()->unique_id;
// Log/handle API errors
// Example: Invalid data, Invalid configuration
catch (\Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorAPI $api) {
// Log/handle invalid parameters
// Example: Empty (

ad the pre-configured ini file...
// ...OR, optionally, you can set the credentials manually

// Apple Pay token
$jsonToken = "{\"protocolVersion\":\"ECv2\",\"signature\":\"MEQCIH6Q4OwQ0jAceFEkGF0JID6sJNXxOEi4r+mA7biRxqBQAiAondqoUpU\/bdsrAOpZIsrHQS9nwiiNwOrr24RyPeHA0Q\\u003d\\u003d\",\"intermediateSigningKey\":{\"signedKey\": \"{\\\"keyExpiration\\\":\\\"1542323393147\\\",\\\"keyValue\\\":\\\"MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE\/1+3HBVSbdv+j7NaArdgMyoSAM43yRydzqdg1TxodSzA96Dj4Mc1EiKroxxunavVIvdxGnJeFViTzFvzFRxyCw\\u003d\\u003d\\\"}\", \"signatures\": [\"MEYCIQCO2EIi48s8VTH+ilMEpoXLFfkxAwHjfPSCVED\/QDSHmQIhALLJmrUlNAY8hDQRV\/y1iKZGsWpeNmIP+z+tCQHQxP0v\"]},\"signedMessage\":\"{\\\"tag\\\":\\\"jpGz1F1Bcoi\/fCNxI9n7Qrsw7i7KHrGtTf3NrRclt+U\\u003d\\\",\\\"ephemeralPublicKey\\\":\\\"BJatyFvFPPD21l8\/uLP46Ta1hsKHndf8Z+tAgk+DEPQgYTkhHy19cF3h\/bXs0tWTmZtnNm+vlVrKbRU9K8+7cZs\\u003d\\\",\\\"encryptedMessage\\\":\\\"mKOoXwi8OavZ\\\"}\"}";
$decodedToken = json_decode($jsonToken, true);

// Create a new Genesis instance with Apple Pay API request
$genesis = new Genesis('Financial\Mobile\ApplePay');

// Set request parameters
    // Add Apple Pay token details
    // Use ->setJsonToken($jsonToken) with JSON string for $jsonToken
    // Set request parameters
    ->setUsage('40208 concert tickets')
    // Customer Details
    ->setCustomerEmail('[email protected]')
    // Billing/Invoice Details
    ->setBillingAddress1('Muster Str. 12')
    ->setBillingCity('Los Angeles')
    // Shipping Details
    ->setShippingAddress1('Muster Str. 12')
    ->setShippingCity('Los Angeles')

try {
    // Send the request

    // Successfully completed the transaction - display the gateway unique id
    echo $genesis->response()->getResponseObject()->unique_id;
// Log/handle API errors
// Example: Invalid data, Invalid configuration
catch (\Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorAPI $api) {
// Log/handle invalid parameters
// Example: Empty (

ad the pre-configured ini file...
// ...OR, optionally, you can set the credentials manually

// Create a new Genesis instance with Web Payment Form request
$genesis = new Genesis('WPF\Create');

// Set request parameters
    ->setUsage('40208 concert tickets')
    ->setDescription('WPF Apple Pay test transaction')

    // Customer Details
    ->setCustomerEmail('[email protected]')

    // Billing/Invoice Details
    ->setBillingAddress1('Muster Str. 12')
    ->setBillingCity('Los Angeles')

    // Shipping Details
    ->setShippingAddress1('Muster Str. 12')
    ->setShippingCity('Los Angeles')
    ->addTransactionType('apple_pay', ['payment_subtype' => 'sale']);

try {
    // Send the request

    // Successfully completed the transaction - display the gateway unique id
    echo $genesis->response()->getResponseObject()->unique_id;
// Log/handle API errors
// Example: Invalid data, Invalid configuration
catch (\Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorAPI $api) {
// Log/handle invalid parameters
// Example: Empty (

oad the pre-configured ini file...

// ...OR, optionally, you can set the credentials manually

try {
    // Create a new Genesis instance with desired API request
    $genesis = new \Genesis\Genesis('WPF\Create');

    /** @var \Genesis\API\Request\WPF\Create $wpf_recurring_request */
    $wpf_recurring_request = $genesis->request();
        ->setUsage('40208 concert tickets')
        // Return URLS

        // Optional Url used for specific cases
        // Customer Details
        ->setCustomerEmail('[email protected]')

        // Billing/Invoice Details
        ->setBillingAddress1('Muster Str. 12')
        ->setBillingCity('Los Angeles')
        // Optional Description
        ->setDescription('Example Description')

        // Desired Transaction Type
        // Example: Recurring V2 available for following transaction types: sale, sale3d, authorize, authorize3d
        // Recurring Type can have one value of 'initial' or 'managed'
        // ->addTransactionType('sale', ['recurring_type' => 'initial']);

    // Send the request

    // Upon successful `$genesis->response()->getResponseObject()->status === 'new'`
    // Redirect to the Web Payment Form
    echo $genesis->response()->getResponseObject()->redirect_url;
// Log/handle API errors
// Example: Declined transaction, Invalid data, Invalid configuration
catch (\Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorAPI $api) {
// Log/handle invalid parameters
// Example: Empty (

d the pre-configured ini file...

// ...OR, optionally, you can set the credentials manually

// Add your Terminal Token for all Non-WPF (Web Payment Form/Checkout) requests

try {
    $notification = new \Genesis\API\Notification($_POST);

    // Reconciliation is generally optional, but
    // it's a recommended practice to ensure
    // that you have the latest information

    // Application Logic
    // ...
    // for example, process the transaction status
    // $status = $notification->getReconciliationObject()->status;

    // Respond to Genesis
catch (\Exception $e) {


git clone genesis_php && cd genesis_php
   force_smart_routing = on
curl -sS | php
php composer.phar install
php vendor/bin/phpspec run