PHP code example of gemorroj / sphinx-bundle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gemorroj/sphinx-bundle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gemorroj / sphinx-bundle example snippets

$client = $this->get('highco.sphinx.client');

$bridge = $this->get('highco.sphinx.pager.white_october.doctrine_orm');
// $bridge->setEntityManagerByName('my_custom_em');
// $bridge->setEntityManager($em);

$pager = $bridge->getPager();

$itemsPerPage = 50;
$page = 1;

$client = $this->get('highco.sphinx.client');
$client->SetLimits( ($page -1) * $itemsPerPage, $itemsPerPage);

$bridge = $this->get('highco.sphinx.pager.white_october.doctrine_orm');

$pager = $bridge->getPager();

$itemsPerPage = 50;
$page = 1;

$client = $this->get('highco.sphinx.client');
$client->SetLimits( ($page -1) * $itemsPerPage, $itemsPerPage);

$bridge = $this->get('highco.sphinx.pager.white_october.doctrine_orm');

$client->AddQuery('Stéphane', 'address_book');
$client->AddQuery('Nikola', 'address_book');
$bridge->setSphinxResults($client->RunQueries(), true);

$pager = $bridge->getPager();

$itemsPerPage = 50;
$page = 1;

$client = $this->get('highco.sphinx.client');
$client->SetLimits( ($page -1) * $itemsPerPage, $itemsPerPage);

$bridge = $this->get('highco.sphinx.pager.white_october.doctrine_orm');

 * Make sure you have this column defined as attribute in Sphinx (i.e: sql_attr_string = type).
 * Sphinx prior version 1.10 does not have support for sql_attr_string, but you can use sql_attr_uint
 * and have your discriminators defined as constants in PHP.

    'article'       => array(
        'class' => 'BlogBundle:Article',
        'em'    => 'default',
    'category'      => array(
        'class' => 'BlogBundle:Category',
        'em'    => 'default',
    'note'         => array(
        'class' => 'NotesBundle:Message',
        'em'    => 'notes'


$pager = $bridge->getPager();