PHP code example of gelight / sml-i18n-for-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gelight/sml-i18n-for-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gelight / sml-i18n-for-php example snippets


$i18n = new smlI18n();

# You can use also the short notation of the most important properties in the same example
$i18n = new smlI18n(__DIR__."/translations", "en");

# The method t() returns the corresponding translation
echo $i18n->t("sml.title");
echo $i18n->t("sml.description");

$i18n = new smlI18n();

# Short notation by using the first constructor parameter
$i18n = new smlI18n("path/to/your/translations/folder");

echo $i18n->getDefaultLocale(); // result for example > "en"

$i18n->setDefaultLocale("en");  // Standard default locale is "de"

echo $i18n->isValidLocale("en_US"); // true
echo $i18n->isValidLocale("ab_CD"); // false

echo $i18n->getCurrentLocale(); // result for example > "en"



echo $i18n->getForcedCallbackLocale();  // result for example > "en"

echo $i18n->t("sml.welcome");
echo $i18n->t("sml.description");

echo $i18n->t("", [ "weekday" => date("l") ]);
// Result example > "Today is monday"