PHP code example of gelembjuk / logger

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gelembjuk/logger library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gelembjuk / logger example snippets

$logger1 = new Gelembjuk\Logger\FileLogger(
		'logfile' => $logfile,  // path to your log file (where to write logs)
		'groupfilter' => 'group1|group2|group3'  // list of groups of events to log. `all` means log everything

$errors = new Gelembjuk\Logger\ErrorScreen(
			'logger' => $logger1 /*create before*/,
			'viewformat' => 'html',
			'catchwarnings' => true,
			'catchfatals' => true,
			'showfatalmessage' => true,
			'commonerrormessage' => 'Sorry, somethign went wrong. We will solve ASAP'

$logger1 = new Gelembjuk\Logger\FileLogger(
		'logfile' => '/tmp/log.txt',
		'groupfilter' => 'all' // log everything this time

// do test log write
$logger1->debug('Test log',array('group' => 'test'));

$logger1->setGroupFilter('group1|group2'); // after this only group1 and group2 events are logged

$logger1->debug('This message will not be in logs as `test` is out of filter',array('group' => 'test'));

class A {

class B extends A {
	// r;
	public function __construct($logger) {

		$this->logQ('B object create','construct|B');

	public function doSomething() {
		$this->logQ('doSomething() in B','B');

class C {
	use Gelembjuk\Logger\ApplicationLogger;
	public function __construct($logger) {

		$this->logQ('C object create','construct|C');

	public function doOtherThing() {
		$this->logQ('oOtherThing() in C','C');

$b = new B($logger1); // $logger1 is instance of FileLogger
$c = new C($logger1);


$errors = new Gelembjuk\Logger\ErrorScreen(
			'logger' => $logger1 /*created before*/,
			'viewformat' => 'html',
			'catchwarnings' => true,
			'catchfatals' => true,
			'showfatalmessage' => true,
			'commonerrormessage' => 'Sorry, somethign went wrong. We will solve ASAP'

// to catch exceptions on the top level of the app
try {
	// do something 
} catch (Exception $e) {

// presume there was no exception
// now catch warning

// warning is raised and catched in errors object
// error message displayed to a user