PHP code example of gelembjuk / auth

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gelembjuk/auth library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gelembjuk / auth example snippets

$integrations = array(
	'facebook' => array(
		'api_key' => 'fake facebook api key',
		'secret_key' => 'fake facebook secret key'
	'twitter' => array(
		'consumer_key' => 'fake twitter consumer key',
		'consumer_secret' => 'fake twitter consumer secret'
	'linkedin' => array(
		'api_key' => 'fake linkedin api key',
		'api_secret' => 'fake linkedin api secret'
	'google' => array(
		'application_name' => 'Your application name',
		'client_id' => 'fake google api client id',
		'client_secret' => 'fake google api client secret'
	'xingapi' => array(
		'consumer_key' => 'fake xing consumer key',
		'consumer_secret' => 'fake xing counsumer secret'
	'liveid' => array(
		'consumer_key' => 'fake live id consumer key',
		'consumer_secret' => 'fake live id consumer secret'

// composer autoloader
UEST['network'];  // this is one of: facebook, google, twitter, linkedin

// create social network login object. The second argument is array of API settings for a social network
$network = Gelembjuk\Auth\AuthFactory::getSocialLoginObject($socialnetwork,$integrations[$socialnetwork]);

$redirecturl = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']).'/completelogin.php';

$socialauthurl = $network->getLoginStartUrl($redirecturl);
// remember the state. it will be used when complete a social login
$_SESSION['socialloginsate_'.$socialnetwork] = $network->serialize();

// this is optional. you can 

// composer autoloader

$network = Gelembjuk\Auth\AuthFactory::getSocialLoginObject($socialnetwork,$integrations[$socialnetwork]);

try {
	// read some input parameters needed to complete auth by this social network
	$arguments = array();
	foreach ($network->getFinalExtraInputs() as $key) {
		$arguments[$key] = $_REQUEST[$key];
	// restore to a state before redirect
	// get authorized user short social profile
	$profile = $network->completeLogin($arguments);
	// save user info to a session
	$_SESSION['user'] = $profile;
	// now user is loged in!
	//redirect user to home page
	header("Location: index.php",true,301);
} catch (Exception $e) {
	echo "Somethign went wrong during the login process<br>";
	echo "Error is: ".$e->getMessage();