PHP code example of gekkone / table-data-accessors

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gekkone/table-data-accessors library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gekkone / table-data-accessors example snippets

  interface TableIteratorInterface extends Iterator
      public function fetchRowCount(bool $skipEmpty = false): int;
      public function currentField(string $field, $default = null);

use Gekkone\TdaLib\Accessor\Csv;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream;

$accessor = new Csv(
    Csv\TableOptions::new(new Stream(fopen(__DIR__ . '/filename.csv', 'r')))

foreach ($accessor as $row => $fields) {
    // $fields = ['columnHeader' => mixed, ...] or [(int) columnIndex => mixed, ...]

use Gekkone\TdaLib\Accessor\GoogleSheet;
use Google\Client;
use Google\Service\Sheets;

$googleCline = new Client([
    'scopes' => Sheets::SPREADSHEETS_READONLY

// for read first sheet
$accessor = new GoogleSheet(
    GoogleSheet\TableOptions::new(new Sheets($googleCline), 'spreadsheetId')

// for read concreate sheet set sheetId, find it in url after '#gid=',
// example<spreadsheetID>/edit#gid=1737163713)
$accessor = new GoogleSheet(
    GoogleSheet\TableOptions::new(new Sheets($googleCline), 'spreadsheetId', 1737163713)

foreach ($accessor as $row => $fields) {
    // $fields = ['columnHeader' => mixed, ...] or [(int) columnIndex => mixed, ...]