PHP code example of geisi / laravel-dyndns

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download geisi/laravel-dyndns library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


geisi / laravel-dyndns example snippets

return [
     * List of all domains which should be synchronized with the systems public IP address
    'domains' => [
             * Your full domain name e.g.
            'domain_name' => env('DYNDNS_DOMAIN_NAME', ''),
            'dns_service' => [
                 * The dns service which you want to use to serve your Dns records. By default, this package runs with the Cloudflare Dns service.
                 * If you don't want to use Cloudflare you can create your own implementation.
                 * Your class has to implement the Geisi\DynDns\Contracts\HandlesDynDnsRecords interface.
                'adapter' => \Geisi\DynDns\Services\CloudflareDynDNS::class,

                 * The Cloudflare zone id this can be left empty. For performance reasons it is recommended to configure a zone id.
                'zone_id' => env('DYNDNS_ZONE_ID', ''),

                 * The Cloudflare dns record id this can be left empty. For performance reasons it is recommended to configure a dns record id.
                'record_id' => env('DYNDNS_RECORD_ID', ''),

                 * The Cloudflare DNS record details look Cloudflare API documentation for reference.
                'record_details' => [
                    'type' => 'A',
                    'proxied' => false,
                    'ttl' => 1

                 * The Cloudflare API token.
                'api_token' => env('CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN', '')
             * The public IP Address Resolver Service. By default, we are using the resolver to query the current public IP address.
             * If you don't want to use you can create your own implementation.
             * Your class has to implement the Geisi\DynDns\Contracts\DiscoversIpAddress interface.
            'resolver_service' => Geisi\DynDns\Services\OpenDNSPublicIPResolver::class,
             * The email address which should be notified when the public IP address changes
             * leave empty if you want to disable mail notifications
            'notification_email' => env('DYNDNS_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL', '')


php artisan vendor:publish --tag="dyndns-config"
php artisan dyndns:run