PHP code example of geggleto / psr7-acl

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download geggleto/psr7-acl library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


geggleto / psr7-acl example snippets

//Define or Pull your ACL's into the following format
$config = [
    "resources" => ["/", "/no", "/yes"],
    "roles" => ["guest", "user1", "user2"],
    "assignments" => [
        "allow" => [
            "guest" => ["/"],
            "user1" => ["/", "/no"],
            "user2" => ["/", "/yes"]
        "deny" => [
            "guest" => ["/no", "/yes"],
            "user1" => ["/yes"],
            "user2" => ["/no"]

//In Slim v3
//This should be in a nice php file by itself for easy inclusion... 

return [
    "resources" => ["/", "/login", "/grid", "/404", "/logout", "/roles", "/roles/{pein}"],
    "roles" => ["guest", "grid", "roles"],
    "assignments" => [
        "allow" => [
            "guest" => ["/", "/404", "/login"],
            "grid" => [ '/grid', '/logout' ],
            "roles" => ['/roles', '/roles/{pein}']
        "deny" => []

$app->add(function (Request $request, Response $res, $next) {
    /** @var $aclRepo AclRepository */ 
    $aclRepo = $this->get(AclRepository::class); //In Slim 3 the container is bound to function definitions
    $allowed = false; // We assume that the user cannot access the route

    $route = '/' . ltrim($request->getUri()->getPath(), '/'); //We construct our path

    try { //Check here... This will pass when a route is simple and there is no route parameters
        $allowed = $aclRepo->isAllowedWithRoles($aclRepo->getRole(), $route);
    } catch (InvalidArgumentException $iae) { //This is executed in cases where there is a route parameters... /user/{id:} 
        $fn = function (ServerRequestInterface $requestInterface, AclRepository $aclRepo) {
            //This will likely only work in Slim 3... This 

$acl = new Acl();