PHP code example of gefar / laroute

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gefar/laroute library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gefar / laroute example snippets

	'providers' => array(

return [

     * The destination path for the javascript file.
    'path' => 'public/js',

     * The destination filename for the javascript file.
    'filename' => 'laroute-api',

     * The namespace for the helper functions. By default this will bind them to
     * `window.laroute`.
    'namespace' => 'larouteApi',

     * Generate absolute URLs
     * Set the Application URL in config/app.php
    'absolute' => false,

     * The Filter Methode
     * 'all' => All routes except "'laroute' => false"
     * 'only' => Only "'laroute' => true" routes
     * 'force' => All routes, ignored "laroute" route parameter
    'filter' => 'all',

     * Action Namespace
     * Set here your controller namespace (see RouteServiceProvider -> $namespace) for cleaner action calls
     * e.g. 'App\Http\Controllers'
    'action_namespace' => '',

     * The path to the template `laroute-api.js` file. This is the file that contains
     * the ported helper Laravel url/route functions and the route data to go
     * with them.
    'template' => 'vendor/lord/laroute/src/templates/laroute-api.js',
     * Appends a prefix to URLs. By default the prefix is an empty string.
    'prefix' => '',



Route::get('/ignore-me', [
    'laroute' => false,
    'as'      => 'ignoreme',
    'uses'    => 'IgnoreController@me'

Route::group(['laroute' => false], function () {
    Route::get('/groups-are-super-useful', 'GroupsController@index');

php artisan vendor:publish --provider='Gefar\Laroute\LarouteServiceProvider'

php artisan laroute:generate