PHP code example of gebruederheitz / wp-easy-post-options

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gebruederheitz/wp-easy-post-options library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gebruederheitz / wp-easy-post-options example snippets


use Gebruederheitz\Wordpress\PageOrPostOption\AbstractMetabox;

class SocialLinksMetabox extends AbstractMetabox 
    public function getKey(): string 
        // give this metabox a unique identifier
        return 'ghwp-social-links';
    public function getTitle(): string 
        // This title will be visible to the user
        return 'Social Links';

use Gebruederheitz\Wordpress\PageOrPostOption\AbstractMetabox;

class SocialLinksMetabox extends AbstractMetabox 
    // Not available on pages, but on all regular posts and all posts of the 
    // custom "my-custom-post-type" type.
    protected static $postTypes = ['post', 'my-custom-post-type'];
    public function getKey(): string 
        return 'ghwp-social-links';
    public function getTitle(): string 
        return 'Social Links';

use Gebruederheitz\Wordpress\PageOrPostOption\AbstractMetabox;

class SocialLinksMetabox extends AbstractMetabox 
    protected static $context = 'advanced';
    public function getKey(): string 
        return 'ghwp-social-links';
    public function getTitle(): string 
        return 'Social Links';

use Gebruederheitz\Wordpress\PageOrPostOption\AbstractPageOrPostOption;

class FacebookUrlPageOption extends AbstractPageOrPostOption 

     * @var bool
     * @optional
     * You can set this to `true` to automatically have the "wp-link" script
     * enqueued – otherwise you can leave it out.  
    protected static $hasLinks = false;

     * @var string 
     * @ if you dont' plan to override the 
     * default render method. 
    protected static $inputLabel = 'Facebook URL';

use Gebruederheitz\Wordpress\PageOrPostOption\NonceField;

$socialBox = new SocialLinksMetaBox();
new FacebookUrlPageOption($socialBox, NonceField::getInstance());

$facebookUrl = FacebookUrlPageOption::getValue($post->ID);

use Gebruederheitz\Wordpress\PageOrPostOption\AbstractBooleanPageOrPostOption;

class MyCheckboxField extends AbstractBooleanPageOrPostOption
    /** @var string */
    protected static $key = 'ghwp-my-checkbox';

    /** @var string */
    protected static $inputLabel = 'Checkbox';

use Gebruederheitz\Wordpress\PageOrPostOption\AbstractPageOrPostOption;
use Gebruederheitz\Wordpress\MetaFields\MetaForms;

class BackgroundImagePageOption extends AbstractPageOrPostOption 
    protected static $key = 'ghwp-background-image';
    // We define a second key for convenience
    protected static $urlKey = 'ghwp-background-image-url';

    protected static $inputLabel = 'Background image';
     * Called when the meta box is being rendered in WP admin
    public function render(WP_Post $post): void
        // make sure you call the nonce field's render method at least once for
        // every page containing page options
        // we retrieve the original value
        $rawValue = $this->getValue($post->ID);
        $value = is_string($rawValue) 
            ? json_decode($rawValue) 
            : (object) ['id' => '', 'url' => ''];

        // ...and then render our input field. You could use the MetaForms library
        // from gebruederheitz/wp-meta-fields, output some raw HTML or