PHP code example of gearbox-solutions / eloquent-filemaker

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gearbox-solutions/eloquent-filemaker library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gearbox-solutions / eloquent-filemaker example snippets

'filemaker' => [
    'driver' => 'filemaker',
    'host' => env('DB_HOST', ''),
    'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', 'MyFileName'),
    'username' => env('DB_USERNAME', 'myusername'),
    'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', ''),
    'prefix' => env('DB_PREFIX', ''),
    'version' => env('DB_VERSION', 'vLatest'),
    'protocol' => env('DB_PROTOCOL', 'https'),
    'cache_session_token' => env('DB_CACHE_SESSION_TOKEN', true), // set to false to log out after each reqeust. This can be slower than re-using a session token, but allows for globals to be set for individual user values.
    'empty_strings_to_null' => env('DB_EMPTY_STRINGS_TO_NULL', true), // set to false to return empty strings instead of null values when fields are empty in FileMaker

protected $layout = 'MyLayout';

$file = new File(storage_path('app/public/gator.jpg'));
$newPet->photo = $file;

$file = new File(storage_path('app/public/gator.jpg'));
$newPet->photo = [$file, 'fluffy.jpg'];

protected $fieldMapping = [
  'My Inconveniently Named Field' => 'a_much_better_name'

$myModel->a_much_better_name = 'my new value';

protected $fieldMapping = [
  'person_CARfirst::color' => 'first_car_color',
  'person_CARfirst::make' => 'first_car_make',
  'person_CARfirst::model' => 'first_car_model'

$personFirstCarColor = $person->first_car_color;

// Get the name of the first related Pet
$firstPetName = $person->person_pet_portal[0]['person_PET::name'];

// Set the 'type' of the second related pet in the portal
$person->person_pet_portal[1]['person_PET::type'] = 'cat';

protected $casts = [
    'nextAppointment' => 'datetime',
    'birthday' => 'date',

protected $dateFormat = 'n/j/Y g:i:s A'; // 7/1/1920 4:01:01 PM
protected $dateFormat = 'n/j/Y G:i:s'; // 7/1/1920 16:01:01

// Person.php

class Person extends FMModel

    protected $layout = "person";

    protected $fieldMapping = [
        'first name' => 'nameFirst',
        'last name' => 'nameLast'

    protected $casts = [
        'birthday' => 'date',

    public function pets(){
        return $this->hasMany(Pet::class);


FM::layout() // alias for table()
FM::setGlobalFields() // not chainable

// standard query-builder stuff like where, orderBy, etc.
->limit( $value )
->offset( $value )
->script( $scriptName, $param)
->scriptParam( $param )
->scriptPresort( $scriptName, $param
->scriptPresortParam( $param )
->scriptPrerequest( $scriptName, $param )
->scriptPrerequestParam( $param )
->layoutResponse( $layoutName )
->portal( $portalName )
->portalLimit( $portalName, $limit )
->portalOffset( $portalName, $startingRecord  )
->sort() // alias for the native orderBy()
->fieldData( $array )
->portalData( $array )

// standard query-builder stuff like get, first, etc.

$person = FM::table('person')->where('nameFirst', 'Jaina')->first();

$invoices = FM::layout('invoice')->where('customer_id', $customer->id)->orderByDesc('date')->limit(10)->get();

$layoutMetadata = FM::getLayoutMetadata('MyLayoutName');

$layoutMetadata = FM::layout('MyLayoutName')->recordId(879)->getLayoutMetadata();

$result = FM::layout('MyLayoutName')->performScript('MyScriptName');

$json = json_encode ([
    'name' => 'Joe Smith',
    'birthday' => '1/1/1970'
    'favorite_color' => 'blue'

$result = FM::layout('globals')->performScript('New Contact Request'; $json);

$result = FM::connection('MyOtherDatabaseConnectionName')->layout('MyLayoutName')->performScript('MyScriptName');


        $globalFields = [
            'GLOB::my_global_field' => 'New global value',
            'GLOB::other_global_field' => 'New global value',




protected $connection = 'theConnectionName';

// User.php

class User extends Model
    public function company()
        return new \GearboxSolutions\EloquentFileMaker\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo(Company::query(), $this, 'company_id', 'id', '');

// set $company to a FMModel of the User's Company
$company = $user->company;