PHP code example of gdbots / ncr

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gdbots/ncr library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gdbots / ncr example snippets

$query = IndexQueryBuilder::create(SchemaQName::fromString('acme:user'), 'email', '')
$result = $this->ncr->findNodeRefs($query);
if (!$result->count()) {
    throw new NodeNotFound('Unable to find homer.');

$node = $this->ncr->getNode($result->getNodeRefs()[0]);

foreach ($ncr->pipeNodes(SchemaQName::fromString('acme:article')) as $node) {
    echo json_encode($node) . PHP_EOL;

$nodeRef = NodeRef::fromString('acme:article:123');
$cache->getNode($nodeRef) !== $cache->getNode($nodeRef);

$node1 = $cache->getNode($nodeRef);
$node2 = $cache->getNode($nodeRef);
$node->equals($node2); // returns true if their data is the same

public function onSearchNodesResponse(ResponseCreatedEvent $pbjxEvent): void
    $response = $pbjxEvent->getResponse();
    if (!$response->has('nodes')) {

    // for all nodes in this search response, mark the creator
    // and updater for lazy load.  if they get requested at some point
    // in the current request, it will be batched for optimal performance
    $this->lazyLoader->addEmbeddedNodeRefs($response->get('nodes'), [
        'creator_ref' => 'acme:user',
        'updater_ref' => 'acme:user',

public function handleRequest(Message $request, Pbjx $pbjx): Message
    $parsedQuery = ParsedQuery::fromArray(json_decode($request->get('parsed_query_json', '{}'), true));

    $response = SearchUsersResponseV1::create();

    return $response;