PHP code example of gazatem / glog

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gazatem/glog library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gazatem / glog example snippets

'glog'  => [

'driver'  =>  'monolog',

'handler'  =>  \Gazatem\Glog\Glog::class,


'stack'  => [

'driver'  =>  'stack',

'channels'  => ['single', 'glog'],



$app->configureMonologUsing(function ($monolog) {

$monolog->pushHandler(new \Gazatem\Glog\Glog());


\Gazatem\Glog\Events\MailLog::class  => [



php  artisan  vendor:publish  --provider="Gazatem\Glog\Providers\GlogServiceProvider"

php  artisan  migrate

return [

  // No need to change it now, thats for future releases!

'service'  =>  env('GLOG_SERVICE', 'local'),


// Secure your log panel

'middlewares'  => ['web', 'App\Http\Middleware\LogAccess'],


// glog uses mysql default, but can be choose mongodb

'db_connection'  =>  env('DB_CONNECTION', 'mysql'),


// To create an alert, enter level and channel pair here

// Example: 'notification' => ['test-channel' => ['CRITICAL', 'ALERT']],

'notification'  => [],

'mail_subject'  =>  'Glog notification mail',

'mail_to'  =>  env('MAIL_FROM'),

'translations'  => [

'test-channel'  =>  'A sample channel'



// Panel route path

'route-prefix'  =>  'logs-panel',


// All channels must be entered before to send the API.


'channels'  => ['test-channel', 'user.register'],


use  Log;

Log::info('user.register', ['message' => 'User Registration Controller', 'id' => 23, 'name' => 'John Doe', 'email' => '[email protected]']);