PHP code example of gasparyanyur / http

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gasparyanyur/http library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gasparyanyur / http example snippets

use Sabre\HTTP;


function handleRequest(HTTP\RequestInterface $request) {

    // Do something with this request :)


use Sabre\HTTP;

$response->setStatus(201); // created !
$response->setHeader('X-Foo', 'bar');


use Sabre\HTTP;

class MyRequest extends HTTP\RequestDecorator {

    function isLoggedIn() {

        return true;



$request = new MyRequest($request);

use Sabre\HTTP;

$request = new HTTP\Request('GET', '');
$request->setHeader('X-Foo', 'Bar');

$client = new HTTP\Client();
$response = $client->send($request);

echo $response->getBodyAsString();

$client = new HTTP\Client();
$client->on('beforeRequest', function($request) {

    // You could use beforeRequest to for example inject a few extra headers.
    // into the Request object.


$client->on('afterRequest', function($request, $response) {

    // The afterRequest event could be a good time to do some logging, or
    // do some rewriting in the response.


$client->on('error', function($request, $response, &$retry, $retryCount) {

    // The error event is triggered for every response with a HTTP code higher
    // than 399.


$client->on('error:401', function($request, $response, &$retry, $retryCount) {

    // You can also listen for specific error codes. This example shows how
    // to inject HTTP authentication headers if a 401 was returned.

    if ($retryCount > 1) {
        // We're only going to retry exactly once.

    $request->setHeader('Authorization', 'Basic xxxxxxxxxx');
    $retry = true;


use Sabre\HTTP;

$request = new Request('GET', 'http://localhost/');
$client = new Client();

// Executing 1000 requests
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
        function(ResponseInterface $response) {
            // Success handler
        function($error) {
            // Error handler

// Wait for all requests to get a result.


// The url we're proxying to.
$remoteUrl = '';

// The url we're proxying from. Please note that this must be a relative url,
// and basically acts as the base url.
// If youre $remoteUrl doesn't end with a slash, this one probably shouldn't
// either.
$myBaseUrl = '/reverseproxy.php';
// $myBaseUrl = '/~evert/sabre/http/examples/reverseproxy.php/';

$request = Sapi::getRequest();

$subRequest = clone $request;

// Removing the Host header.

// Rewriting the url.
$subRequest->setUrl($remoteUrl . $request->getPath());

$client = new Client();

// Sends the HTTP request to the server
$response = $client->send($subRequest);

// Sends the response back to the client that connected to the proxy.

 * Creates the request object
 * @param string $method
 * @param string $url
 * @param array $headers
 * @param resource $body
public function __construct($method = null, $url = null, array $headers = null, $body = null);

 * Returns the current HTTP method
 * @return string
function getMethod();

 * Sets the HTTP method
 * @param string $method
 * @return void
function setMethod($method);

 * Returns the request url.
 * @return string
function getUrl();

 * Sets the request url.
 * @param string $url
 * @return void
function setUrl($url);

 * Returns the absolute url.
 * @return string
function getAbsoluteUrl();

 * Sets the absolute url.
 * @param string $url
 * @return void
function setAbsoluteUrl($url);

 * Returns the current base url.
 * @return string
function getBaseUrl();

 * Sets a base url.
 * This url is used for relative path calculations.
 * The base url should default to /
 * @param string $url
 * @return void
function setBaseUrl($url);

 * Returns the relative path.
 * This is being calculated using the base url. This path will not start
 * with a slash, so it will always return something like
 * 'example/path.html'.
 * If the full path is equal to the base url, this method will return an
 * empty string.
 * This method will also urldecode the path, and if the url was incoded as
 * ISO-8859-1, it will convert it to UTF-8.
 * If the path is outside of the base url, a LogicException will be thrown.
 * @return string
function getPath();

 * Returns the list of query parameters.
 * This is equivalent to PHP's $_GET superglobal.
 * @return array
function getQueryParameters();

 * Returns the POST data.
 * This is equivalent to PHP's $_POST superglobal.
 * @return array
function getPostData();

 * Sets the post data.
 * This is equivalent to PHP's $_POST superglobal.
 * This would not have been needed, if POST data was accessible as
 * php://input, but unfortunately we need to special case it.
 * @param array $postData
 * @return void
function setPostData(array $postData);

 * Returns an item from the _SERVER array.
 * If the value does not exist in the array, null is returned.
 * @param string $valueName
 * @return string|null
function getRawServerValue($valueName);

 * Sets the _SERVER array.
 * @param array $data
 * @return void
function setRawServerData(array $data);

 * Returns the body as a readable stream resource.
 * Note that the stream may not be rewindable, and therefore may only be
 * read once.
 * @return resource
function getBodyAsStream();

 * Returns the body as a string.
 * Note that because the underlying data may be based on a stream, this
 * method could only work correctly the first time.
 * @return string
function getBodyAsString();

 * Returns the message body, as it's internal representation.
 * This could be either a string or a stream.
 * @return resource|string
function getBody();

 * Updates the body resource with a new stream.
 * @param resource $body
 * @return void
function setBody($body);

 * Returns all the HTTP headers as an array.
 * @return array
function getHeaders();

 * Returns a specific HTTP header, based on it's name.
 * The name must be treated as case-insensitive.
 * If the header does not exist, this method must return null.
 * @param string $name
 * @return string|null
function getHeader($name);

 * Updates a HTTP header.
 * The case-sensitity of the name value must be retained as-is.
 * @param string $name
 * @param string $value
 * @return void
function setHeader($name, $value);

 * Resets HTTP headers
 * This method overwrites all existing HTTP headers
 * @param array $headers
 * @return void
function setHeaders(array $headers);

 * Adds a new set of HTTP headers.
 * Any header specified in the array that already exists will be
 * overwritten, but any other existing headers will be retained.
 * @param array $headers
 * @return void
function addHeaders(array $headers);

 * Removes a HTTP header.
 * The specified header name must be treated as case-insenstive.
 * This method should return true if the header was successfully deleted,
 * and false if the header did not exist.
 * @return bool
function removeHeader($name);

 * Sets the HTTP version.
 * Should be 1.0 or 1.1.
 * @param string $version
 * @return void
function setHttpVersion($version);

 * Returns the HTTP version.
 * @return string
function getHttpVersion();

 * Returns the current HTTP status.
 * This is the status-code as well as the human readable string.
 * @return string
function getStatus();

 * Sets the HTTP status code.
 * This can be either the full HTTP status code with human readable string,
 * for example: "403 I can't let you do that, Dave".
 * Or just the code, in which case the appropriate default message will be
 * added.
 * @param string|int $status
 * @throws \InvalidArgumentExeption
 * @return void
function setStatus($status);

 * Returns the body as a readable stream resource.
 * Note that the stream may not be rewindable, and therefore may only be
 * read once.
 * @return resource
function getBodyAsStream();

 * Returns the body as a string.
 * Note that because the underlying data may be based on a stream, this
 * method could only work correctly the first time.
 * @return string
function getBodyAsString();

 * Returns the message body, as it's internal representation.
 * This could be either a string or a stream.
 * @return resource|string
function getBody();

 * Updates the body resource with a new stream.
 * @param resource $body
 * @return void
function setBody($body);

 * Returns all the HTTP headers as an array.
 * @return array
function getHeaders();

 * Returns a specific HTTP header, based on it's name.
 * The name must be treated as case-insensitive.
 * If the header does not exist, this method must return null.
 * @param string $name
 * @return string|null
function getHeader($name);

 * Updates a HTTP header.
 * The case-sensitity of the name value must be retained as-is.
 * @param string $name
 * @param string $value
 * @return void
function setHeader($name, $value);

 * Resets HTTP headers
 * This method overwrites all existing HTTP headers
 * @param array $headers
 * @return void
function setHeaders(array $headers);

 * Adds a new set of HTTP headers.
 * Any header specified in the array that already exists will be
 * overwritten, but any other existing headers will be retained.
 * @param array $headers
 * @return void
function addHeaders(array $headers);

 * Removes a HTTP header.
 * The specified header name must be treated as case-insenstive.
 * This method should return true if the header was successfully deleted,
 * and false if the header did not exist.
 * @return bool
function removeHeader($name);

 * Sets the HTTP version.
 * Should be 1.0 or 1.1.
 * @param string $version
 * @return void
function setHttpVersion($version);

 * Returns the HTTP version.
 * @return string
function getHttpVersion();