PHP code example of gamez / mite

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gamez/mite library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gamez / mite example snippets

use Gamez\Mite\Api\HttpApiClientFactory;

$apiClientFactory = new HttpApiClientFactory();

$apiClient = $apiClientFactory('my_account', 'api_key');

use Gamez\Mite\SimpleApi;

 * @var \Gamez\Mite\Api\ApiClient $apiClient 
$api = SimpleApi::withApiClient($apiClient);

$customer = $api->createCustomer([
    'name' => 'My new customer',
    'note' => 'He pays better than the old one',

echo 'Customer: '.print_r($customer, true);

$project = $api->createProject([
    'name' => 'My new customer project',
    'customer_id' => $customer['id'],
    'budget_type' => 'minutes_per_month',
    'budget' => 6000,
    'hourly_rate' => 10000,
    'active_hourly_rate' => 'hourly_rate',

echo 'Project: '.print_r($project, true);

$service = $api->createService([
    'name' => 'Customer Support',

echo 'Service: '.print_r($service, true);

$user = current($api->getActiveUsers()); // For the sake of this example, we use the first available user

echo 'User: '.print_r($user, true);

$timeEntry = $api->createTimeEntry([
    'date_at' => 'today',
    'minutes' => 60,
    'user_id' => $user['id'], // Would we omit this, the authenticated user would be used
    'project_id' => $project['id'],
    'service_id' => $service['id'],
    'note' => 'We had some work to do, and we did some work.'

echo 'Time Entry: '.print_r($timeEntry, true);

// $api->delete($newTimeEntry['id'];

$workdaysPerMonthAndUser = $api->getGroupedTimeEntries($groupBy = ['user'], ['at' => 'this_month']);

echo 'Workdays per month and user: '.print_r($workdaysPerMonthAndUser, true);

use Gamez\Mite\SimpleApi;
use Gamez\Mite\SimpleTracker;

/** @var \Gamez\Mite\Api\ApiClient $apiClient */
$api = SimpleApi::withApiClient($apiClient);
$tracker = SimpleTracker::withApiClient($apiClient);

$sleeping = $api->createTimeEntry(['note' => 'I am sleeping']);
$working = $api->createTimeEntry(['note' => 'I switch to this now and then']);

sleep(1); // You don't need this sleep, but the example makes more sense this way
$tracker->start($working['id']); // This will automatically stop the "sleeping" tracker
// No sleep this time, we'll just work for zero seconds 
$tracker->stop($working['id']); // We stopped working!

print_r($tracker->status()); // Sad

use Gamez\Mite\Exception\ApiClientError;
use Gamez\Mite\Exception\MiteException;

try {
    /** @var \Gamez\Mite\Api\ApiClient $apiClient */
    $result = $apiClient->get('nice-try');
} catch (ApiClientError $e) {
    $message = "Something went wrong while accessing {$e->getRequest()->getUri()}";

    if ($response = $e->getResponse()) {
        $message .= " ({$response->getStatusCode()})";

    $message .= ' : '.$e->getMessage();

} catch (MiteException $e) {
    exit('Something not API related went really wrong: '.$e->getMessage());

// Something went wrong while accessing (404) :
// The URI /nice-try could not be found.