PHP code example of gajus / fuss

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gajus/fuss library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gajus / fuss example snippets

 * @param int $app_id App ID.
 * @param string $app_secret App secret.
$app = new Gajus\Fuss\App(123, 'abc');
$user = null;

$signed_request = $app->getSignedRequest();

if ($signed_request) {
    $access_token = $signed_request->getAccessToken();

    if ($access_token) {
        if (!$access_token->isLong()) {

        $user = new Gajus\Fuss\User($access_token);

if ($user) {
    $request = new Gajus\Fuss\Request($user, 'GET', 'me', ['fields' => 'first_name']);
    $response = $request->make();

    // $response['first_name']

 * @param string $app_id App ID.
 * @param string $app_secret App secret.
 * @param array $options
$app = new Gajus\Fuss\App('your app ID', 'your app secret');

$app = new Gajus\Fuss\App('your app ID', 'your app secret', [
    Gajus\Fuss\App::OPTION_VERSION => 'v2.1',
    Gajus\Fuss\App::OPTION_FORCE_COOKIE => true

$app = new Gajus\Fuss\App('your app ID', 'your app secret', [
    Gajus\Fuss\App::OPTION_VERSION => 'v2.1'

$request = new Gajus\Fuss\Request($app, 'GET', 'app');

$app = new Gajus\Fuss\App('your app ID', 'your app secret', [
    Gajus\Fuss\App::OPTION_VERSION => 'v2.1'

$request = new Gajus\Fuss\Request($app, 'GET', 'v2.0/app');

$app = new Gajus\Fuss\App('your app ID', 'your app secret');

$request = new Gajus\Fuss\Request($app, 'GET', 'app');

 * @return null|Gajus\Fuss\SignedRequest
$signed_request = $app->getSignedRequest();

 * Designed to be used for a signed request retrieved via the JavaScript SDK.
 * @see
 * @param string $signed_request
 * @return null
$app->setSignedRequest('the signed request');

 * User ID when user access token is in or can be derived from the signed request.
 * @return null|int

 * The content of the app_data query string parameter which may be passed if the app is being loaded within a Page Tab.
 * The JSON input is automatically decoded.
 * @see
 * @return mixed

 * Return the signed request payload.
 * @see
 * @return array

 * Resolve the user access token from the signed request.
 * The access token is either provided or it can be exchanged for the code.
 * @return null|Gajus\Fuss\AccessToken
$access_token = $signed_request->getAccessToken();

 * @param Gajus\Fuss\App $app
 * @param string $access_token A string that identifies a user, app, or page and can be used by the app to make graph API calls.
 * @param self::TYPE_USER|self::TYPE_APP|self::TYPE_PAGE $type
$access_token = new Gajus\Fuss\AccessToken($app, 'user access token', Gajus\Fuss\AccessToken::TYPE_USER);

 * The issued_at field is not returned for short-lived access tokens.
 * @see
 * @return boolean

 * Extend a short-lived access token for a long-lived access token.
 * Upon successfully extending the token, the instance of the object
 * is updated with the long-lived access token.
 * @see
 * @return null

 * @return int UNIX timestamp in seconds.

 * @return string The access token as a string.

 * @param Gajus\Fuss\AccessToken $access_token
$user = new Gajus\Fuss\User($access_token);

 * Get Facebook user ID.
 * Beware that as of Graph API v2.0, the user ID is app-scoped.
 * @see
 * @return null|int

 * @param Gajus\Fuss\AccessToken $access_token
 * @return null

 * @param Gajus\Fuss\Session $session
 * @param string $method GET|POST|DELETE
 * @param string $path Path relative to the Graph API.
 * @param array $query GET parameters.
$request = new Gajus\Fuss\Request($app, 'GET', 'app');

 * @throws Gajus\Fuss\RequestException If the Graph API call results in an error.
 * @return array Graph API response.

 * Return PageTab when app is loaded in a page tab.
 * @return null|Gajus\Fuss\PageTab
$page_tab = $signed_request->getPageTab();

 * The page ID.
 * @return int

 * true if the loading user has liked the page, false if not.
 * @deprecated This field will no longer be .
 * @return boolean