PHP code example of gabrielesbaiz / password-toolkit

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gabrielesbaiz/password-toolkit library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gabrielesbaiz / password-toolkit example snippets

return [
     * Configuration for name types for people and things to be used
    'name_types' => [
        'people' => [
            'back_to_the_future' => true,
            'cartoons' => true,
            'game_of_thrones' => true,
            'harry_potter' => true,
            'italian_actors' => true,
            'italian_comedians' => true,
            'italian_nobel_prize_winners' => true,
            'italian_presidents_of_the_republic' => true,
            'italian_television_personalities' => true,
            'italian_writers' => true,
            'philosophers' => true,
            'star_wars' => true,
        'things' => [
            'car_brands' => true,
            'italian_cheeses' => true,
            'italian_monuments' => true,
            'italian_regional_foods' => true,
            'italian_wines' => true,
            'coffee_brands' => true,

     * Defines the symbol used to separate words in the generated password.
     * Can be any symbol or null if no separator is desired.
    'separator_symbol' => '-',

     * Defines whether to replace spaces with the separator
     * symbol in the name part of the password.
     * Options:
     * 'true' will replace spaces with the separator symbol
     * 'false' will remove spaces.
    'name_separator' => true,

     * Determines if numbers should be added to the generated password.
     * Options:
     * 'true' will add numbers
     * 'false' will not
    'add_numbers' => true,

     * Specifies the number of digits for the random number
     * that will be added to the password (if enabled).
    'numbers_digits' => 4,

     * Defines where to place the numbers in the password.
     * Options:
     * 'start' - numbers are placed at the beginning of the password,
     * 'middle' - numbers are placed in the middle of the password,
     * 'end' - numbers are placed at the end of the password.
    'numbers_position' => 'end',

     * Defines the level of leetspeak conversion to apply
     * to the generated password.
     * Options:
     * 'no' - no leetspeak conversion,
     * 'basic' - apply basic leetspeak conversion,
     * 'advanced' - apply advanced leetspeak conversion.
    'leetspeak_conversion' => 'no',

$passwordToolkit = new Gabrielesbaiz\PasswordToolkit();

echo $passwordToolkit->generate();

use PasswordToolkit;

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="password-toolkit-config"