PHP code example of fyre / math
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download fyre/math library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
fyre / math example snippets
use Fyre\Utility\Math;
$abs = Math::abs($number);
$acos = Math::acos($number);
$acosh = Math::acosh($number);
$asin = Math::asin($number);
$asinh = Math::asinh($number);
$atan = Math::atan($number);
$atan2 = Math::atan2($x, $y);
$atanh = Math::atanh($number);
$decimal = Math::binaryToDecimal($binaryString);
$rounded = Math::ceil($number);
$clamped = Math::clamp($number, $min, $max);
$clamped = Math::clampPercent($number);
$newNumber = Math::convertBase($number, $fromBase, $toBase);
$cos = Math::cos($number);
$cosh = Math::cosh($number);
$binary = Math::decimalToBinary($number);
$hex = Math::decimalToHex($number);
$octal = Math::decimalToOctal($number);
$radians = Math::degreesToRadians($number);
$distance = Math::dist($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
$exp = Math::exp($number);
$expMinus1 = Math::expMinus1($number);
$rounded = Math::floor($number);
$modulo = Math::fmod($number, $divisor);
$decimal = Math::hexToDecimal($hexString);
$length = Math::hypot($x, $y);
$amount = Math::inverseLerp($v1, $v2, $value);
$isNumeric = Math::isNumeric($value);
$value = Math::lerp($v1, $v2, $amount);
$log = Math::log($number, $base);
$log = Math::log10($number);
$log = Math::logPlus1($number);
$mapped = Math::map($number, $fromMin, $fromMax, $toMin, $toMax);
$highest = Math::max(...$numbers);
$lowest = Math::min(...$numbers);
$decimal = Math::octalToDecimal($octalString);
$pow = Math::pow($number, $exponent);
$product = Math::product(...$numbers);
$degrees = Math::radiansToDegrees($number);
$random = Math::random($a, $b);
$randomInt = Math::randomInt($a, $b);
$rounded = Math::round($number, $precision, $mode);
$sin = Math::sin($number);
$sinh = Math::sinh($number);
$sqrt = Math::sqrt($number);
$sum = Math::sum(...$numbers);
$tan = Math::tan($number);
$tanh = Math::tanh($number);
$toStep = Math::toStep($number, $step);