PHP code example of fuwasegu / php-enum-util

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download fuwasegu/php-enum-util library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


fuwasegu / php-enum-util example snippets

enum Status: string
    use HasDescription;

    case ACTIVE = 'active';

    case INACTIVE = 'inactive';

    case RETIED = 'retired';

    public function description(): string
        return match ($this) {
            self::ACTIVE => 'State in which the employee is enrolled.',
            self::INACTIVE => 'State in which the employee is on administrative leave.',
            self::RETIED => 'State in which employee is retiring.',

// Getter for Enum description

// Getter for Enum value and description maps

enum Capital: int
    use HasLabel;

    case TOKYO = 1;

    case BEIJING = 2;

    case WASHINGTON = 3;

    case LONDON = 4;

    public function label(): string
        return match ($this) {
            self::TOKYO => 'Tokyo',
            self::BEIJING => 'Beijing',
            self::WASHINGTON => 'Washington',
            self::LONDON => 'London',

// Getter for Enum label

// Getter for Enum value and label maps

enum Status: string
    use HasValues;

    case ACTIVE = 'active';

    case INACTIVE = 'inactive';

    case RETIED = 'retired';

// Getter for Enum values

// Join Enum values with a string

enum Status: string
    use HasNames;

    case ACTIVE = 'active';

    case INACTIVE = 'inactive';

    case RETIED = 'retired';

// Getter for Enum names

// Join Enum names with a string

enum Status: string
    use Comparable;

    case ACTIVE = 'active';

    case INACTIVE = 'inactive';

    case RETIED = 'retired';

// Compare Enum peer to peer
$maybeActive = Status::ACTIVE;
Status::ACTIVE->is($maybeActive); // true
Status::INACTIVE->isNot($maybeActive); // false

// Attempts to convert the compared int or string to an Enum with Enum::tryFrom before comparing
// If tryFrom is null, `isFrom()` returns false and `isNotFrom()` returns true.
$value = 'active';
Status::ACTIVE->isFrom($value); // true
Status::INACTIVE->isNotFrom($value); // false
Status::ACTIVE->isFrom('foo'); // false
Status::ACTIVE->isNotFrom('foo') // true