PHP code example of futoin / core-php-ri-asyncsteps

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download futoin/core-php-ri-asyncsteps library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


futoin / core-php-ri-asyncsteps example snippets

use \FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps;
use \FutoIn\RI\ScopedSteps;

$root_as = new ScopedSteps();

    function( $as ){
        $as->success( "MyValue" );
    function( $as, $arg ){
        if ( $arg === 'MyValue' )
            $as->add( function( $as ){
                $as->error( 'MyError', 'Something bad has happened' );

    function( $as, $err )
        if ( $err === 'MyError' )
            $as->success( 'NotSoBad' );

    function( $as, $arg )
        if ( $arg === 'NotSoBad' )
            echo 'MyError was ignored: ' . $as->state()->error_info . PHP_EOL;
        $as->state()->p1arg = 'abc';
        $as->state()->p2arg = 'xyz';
        $p = $as->parallel();
        $p->add( function( $as ){
            echo 'Parallel Step 1' . PHP_EOL;
            $as->add( function( $as ){
                echo 'Parallel Step 1->1' . PHP_EOL;
                $as->p1 = $as->p1arg . '1';
            } );
        } )
        ->add( function( $as ){
            echo 'Parallel Step 2' . PHP_EOL;
            $as->add( function( $as ){
                echo 'Parallel Step 2->1' . PHP_EOL;
                $as->p2 = $as->p2arg . '2';
            } );
        } );
)->add( function( $as ){
    echo 'Parallel 1 result: ' . $as->state()->p1 . PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Parallel 2 result: ' . $as->p2 . PHP_EOL;
} );

// Note: we use ScopedSteps instead of AsyncSteps in this example

use \FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps;
use \FutoIn\RI\ScopedSteps;
use \FutoIn\RI\AsyncTool;

function dummy_service_read( $success, $error ){
    // We expect it calles success when data is available
    // and error, if error occurs
    // Returns some request handle
    return null;

function dummy_service_cancel( $reqhandle ){
    // We assume it cancels previously scheduled reqhandle

$root_as = new ScopedSteps();

$root_as->add( function( $as ){
    AsyncTool::callLater( function() use ( $as ) {
        $as->success( 'async success()' );
    } );
    $as->setTimeout( 10 ); // ms
} )->add(
    function( $as, $arg ){
        echo $arg . PHP_EOL;
        $reqhandle = dummy_service_read(
            function( $data ) use ( $as ) {
                $as->success( $data );
            function( $err ) use ( $as ) {
                if ( $err !== 'SomeSpecificCancelCode' )
                    $as->error( $err );
        $as->setCancel(function($as) use ( $reqhandle ) {
            dummy_service_cancel( $reqhandle );
        // OPTIONAL. Set timeout of 1s
        $as->setTimeout( 1000 );
    function( $as, $err )
        echo $err . ": " . $as->error_info . PHP_EOL;

// Note: we use ScopedSteps instead of AsyncSteps in this example

use \FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps;
use \FutoIn\RI\AsyncToolTest;

// Note, we have no default event engine in PHP

$model_as = new AsyncSteps();
$model_as->state()->variable = 'Vanilla';

$model_as->add( function($as){
    echo '-----' . PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Hi! I am from model_as' . PHP_EOL;
    echo 'State.var: ' . $as->variable . PHP_EOL;
    $as->variable = 'Dirty';

for ( $i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i )
    $root_as = new AsyncSteps();
    $root_as->copyFrom( $model_as );
    $root_as->add( function( $as ) use ( $model_as ) {
        $as->add( function( $as ){
            echo '>> The first inner step' . PHP_EOL;
        $as->copyFrom( $model_as );

// Process all pending events
$ composer