PHP code example of fusonic / linq

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download fusonic/linq library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


fusonic / linq example snippets

$result = Linq::from($users)
    ->where(function (User $u) { return strstr($u->surname, "Max 1");  })
    ->select(function (User $u) { return $u->usrId; });

$array1 = ["key" => "a", "data" => ["a1", "a2"]];
$array2 = ["key" => "b", "data" => ["b1", "b2"]];
$array3 = ["key" => "c", "data" => ["c1", "c2"]];

$allArrays = [$array1, $array2, $array3];

$result = Linq::from($allArrays)
    ->selectMany(function($x) { return $x["data"]; })
// $result is now: ["a1", "a2", "b1", "b2", "c1", "c2"];

$category1 = new stdClass(); $category1->key = 1; $category1->value = "Cars";
$category2 = new stdClass(); $category2->key = 2; $category2->value = "Ships";

$result = Linq::from([$category1, $category2])
        function($x) { return $x->key; }, // key-selector
        function($x) { return $x->value; } // value-selector
// $result is now: [1 => "Cars", 2 => "Ships"];

$numbers = Linq::from([1,2,3,4]);
$sum = $numbers->aggregate(function($a, $b) { return $a + $b; });
// echo $sum; // output: 10 (1+2+3+4)

$chars = Linq::from(["a", "b", "c"]);
$csv = $chars->aggregate(function($a, $b) { return $a . "," . $b; });
// echo $csv; // output: "a,b,c"

$chars = Linq::from(["a", "b", "c"]);
$csv = $chars->aggregate(function($a, $b) { return $a . "," . $b; }, "seed");
// echo $csv; // output: "seed,a,b,c"

$chunks = Linq::from(["a","b","c","d","e"])->chunk(2);
$i = 0;
foreach($chunk in $chunks) {
  echo "Row $i <br>";
  foreach($char in $chunk) {
    echo $char . "|";
// Result:
// Row 1
// a|b
// Row 2
// c|d
// Row 3
// e|

aggregate($func, $seed = null) // Applies an accumulator function over a sequence.
all($func) // Determines wheter all elements satisfy a condition.
any($func) // Determines wheter any element satisfies a condition.
average($func = null) // Computes the average of all numeric values.
concat($second) // Concatenates 2 sequences
contains($value) // Determines whether a sequence contains a specified element.
count() // Counts the elements of the sequence.
chunk($chunksize) // Splits the sequence in chunks according to $chunksize.
except($second) // Returns all items except the ones of the given sequence.
distinct($func = null) // Returns all distinct items of a sequence using the optional selector.
each($func) // Performs the specified action on each element of the sequence.
elementAt($index) // Returns the element at a specified index or throws an exception.
elementAtOrNull($index) // Returns the element at a specified index or returns null
first($func = null) // Returns the first element that satisfies a specified condition or throws an exception.
firstOrNull($func = null) // Returns the first element, or NULL if the sequence contains no elements.
groupBy($keySelector) // Groups the object according to the $keySelector generated key.
intersect($second) // Intersects the Linq sequence with second Iterable sequence.
last($func = null) // Returns the last element that satisfies a specified condition or throws an exception.
lastOrNull($func = null) // Returns the last element that satisfies a condition or NULL if no such element is found.
max($func = null) //  Returns the maximum item value according to $func.
min($func = null) //  Returns the minimum item value according to $func
orderBy($func) // Sorts the elements in ascending order according to a key provided by $func.
orderByDescending($func) // Sorts the elements in descending order according to a key provided by $func.
select($func) // Projects each element into a new form by invoking the selector function.
selectMany($func) // Projects each element of a sequence to a new Linq and flattens the resulting sequences into one sequence. 
single($func = null) // Returns the only element that satisfies a specified condition or throws an exception.
singleOrDefault($func = null) // Returns the only element that satisfies a specified condition or returns Null.
skip($count) // Bypasses a specified number of elements and then returns the remaining elements.
sum($func = null) // Gets the sum of all items or by invoking a transform function on each item to get a numeric value.
take($count) // Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the start of a sequence.
toArray($keySelector=null, $valueSelector=null) // Creates an Array from this Linq object with an optional key selector.
where($func) // Filters the Linq object according to func return result.

/* Throws an UnexpectedValueException if the 
provided callback function does not return a boolean */
Linq::from(["1", "1"])
->where(function($x) { return "NOT A BOOLEAN"; });

/* Throws an UnexpectedValueException if one of the values
is not convertible to a numeric value:*/
Linq::from([1, 2, "Not a numeric value"])
curl -s | php
php composer.phar install
$source = glob("files/*");
  ->select(function($i) { return filesize($i); })
$source = glob("files/*");
  ->where(function($i) { return filesize($i) > 1024; })
  ->select(function($i) { return pathinfo($i); });