1. Go to this page and download the library: Download fsuuaas/finvoice library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
fsuuaas / finvoice example snippets
use Fsuuaas\PdfInvoice\InvoicePrinter;
$invoice = new InvoicePrinter();
/* Header settings */
$invoice->setLogo("images/sample1.jpg"); //logo image path
$invoice->setColor("#007fff"); // pdf color scheme
$invoice->setType("Sale Invoice"); // Invoice Type
$invoice->setReference("INV-55033645"); // Reference
$invoice->setDate(date('M dS ,Y',time())); //Billing Date
$invoice->setTime(date('h:i:s A',time())); //Billing Time
$invoice->setDue(date('M dS ,Y',strtotime('+3 months'))); // Due Date
$invoice->setFrom(array("Seller Name","Sample Company Name","128 AA Juanita Ave","Glendora , CA 91740"));
$invoice->setTo(array("Purchaser Name","Sample Company Name","128 AA Juanita Ave","Glendora , CA 91740"));
$invoice->addItem("AMD Athlon X2DC-7450","2.4GHz/1GB/160GB/SMP-DVD/VB",6,0,580,0,3480);
$invoice->addItem('LG 18.5" WLCD',"",10,0,230,0,2300);
$invoice->addItem("HP LaserJet 5200","",1,0,1100,0,1100);
$invoice->addTotal("VAT 21%",1986.6);
$invoice->addTotal("Total due",11446.6,true);
$invoice->addBadge("Payment Paid");
$invoice->addTitle("Important Notice");
$invoice->addParagraph("No item will be replaced or refunded if you don't have the invoice with you.");
$invoice->setFooternote("My Company Name Here");
/* I => Display on browser, D => Force Download, F => local path save, S => return document as string */
use Fsuuaas\PdfInvoice\InvoicePrinter;
// Default Param: Size: A4, Currency: $, Language: en
$invoice = new InvoicePrinter($size, $currency, $language);
// Hexadecimal color code
$invoice->setLogo($image, $maxwidth, $maxheight);
// A string with the document title, will be displayed
// in the right top corner of the document (e.g. 'Invoice' or 'Quote')
// Document reference number that will be displayed in
// the right top corner of the document (e.g. 'INV29782')
//A string with the document's date
// A string with the document's due date
// An array with your company details. The first value of
// the array will be bold on the document so it's suggested
// to use your company's name. You can add as
// many lines as you need.
/** Example: */
'My Company',
'Address line 1',
'Address line 2',
'City and zip',
'VAT number'
// An array with your clients' details. The first value of the
// array will be bold on the document so we suggest you to use
// the company's name. You can add as many lines as you need.
/** Example */
'My Client',
'Address line 1',
'Address line 2',
'City and zip',
'VAT number'