PHP code example of fruitstudios / colorit

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download fruitstudios/colorit library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


fruitstudios / colorit example snippets

{{ entry.myColoritFieldName }}                - (string)  // Color in format as per field settings)
{{ entry.myColoritFieldName.color }}          - (string)  // Returns the color
{{ entry.myColoritFieldName.color(format) }}  - (string)  // Optional format (hex, rgb, rgba)
{{ entry.myColoritFieldName.opacity }}        - (integer) // The opacity value
{{ entry.myColoritFieldName.handle }}         - (string)  // The color handle
{{ entry.myColoritFieldName.isCustomColor }}  - (bool)    // Is this a custom colour
{{ entry.myColoritFieldName.isTransparent }}  - (bool)    // Is this transparent
{{ entry.myColoritFieldName.hasColor }}       - (bool)    // Does the field have a color set
{{ entry.myColoritFieldName.palette }}        - (array)   // All available colours in the palette
{{ entry.myColoritFieldName.hex }}            - (string)  // Get the hex value
{{ entry.myColoritFieldName.hashhex }}        - (string)  // Get the hex value including #
{{ entry.myColoritFieldName.rgb }}            - (string)  // Get the rgb value
{{ entry.myColoritFieldName.rgba }}           - (string)  // Get the rgba value

{{ entry.myColoritFieldName.r }}              - (string) // Get the red value
{{ entry.myColoritFieldName.g }}              - (string) // Get the green value
{{ entry.myColoritFieldName.b }}              - (string) // Get the blue value
{{ entry.myColoritFieldName.a }}              - (string) // Get the alpha value

{{ }}            - (string) // Get the red value
{{ }}          - (string) // Get the green value
{{ }}           - (string) // Get the blue value
{{ entry.myColoritFieldName.alpha }}          - (string) // Get the alpha value

{{ craft.colorit.colours.baseColours }}                - (array)
{{ craft.colorit.colours.baseColoursAsOptions }}       - (array)
{{ craft.colorit.colours.hexIsWhite(hex) }}            - (bool)
{{ craft.colorit.colours.hexIsBlack(hex) }}            - (bool)
{{ craft.colorit.colours.hexIsTransparent(hex) }}      - (bool)
{{ craft.colorit.colours.hexToRgb(hex) }}              - (string)
{{ craft.colorit.colours.hexToRgba(hex, opacity) }}    - (string)

{{ ('#555')|hexIsWhite }}                  - (bool)
{{ ('#555')|hexIsBlack }}                  - (bool)
{{ ('#555')|hexIsTransparent }}            - (bool)
{{ ('#555')|hexToRgb }}                    - (string)
{{ ('#555')|hexToRgba(opacity = 100) }}    - (string)