PHP code example of frozzare / digster

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download frozzare/digster library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


frozzare / digster example snippets

 * Render page view.
echo view( 'page' );

add_filter( 'digster/config', function ( $config ) {
  return $config;
} );

add_filter( 'digster/config', function ( $config ) {
  $config['locations'] = 'path/to/locations';
  return $config;
} );

add_filter( 'digster/config', function ( $config ) {
  $config['auto_reload'] = true;
  return $config;
} );

$view = digster_fetch( 'page' [, $data = [] ] );

$view = digster_view( 'page', [, $data = [] ] );

// or (only if `view` function don't exists.)
$view = view( 'page', [, $data = [] ] );

echo $view;

echo view( 'user.profile' )
  ->nest( 'picture', 'user.profile.picture', [
    'url' => ''
  ] );

digster_render( 'user.profile', [
  'picture' => digster_fetch( 'user.profile.picture', [
      'url' => ''
  ] )
] );

// '*', 'page' or 'page.twig'
digster_composer( 'page', function ( $vars ) {
  $vars['post'] = is_numeric( $vars['post'] ) ?  get_page( $vars['post'] ) : $vars['post'];
  return $vars;

// Only need to get the post ID
digster_render( 'page', [
  'post' => get_the_ID()
] );

class Profile_Composer {

  public function compose( $view ) {
    $view->with( 'job', 'developer' );


digster_composer( 'user.profile', 'Profile_Composer' );

add_filter( 'digster/filters', function ( $filters ) {
  return array_merge( $filters, [
    'hello' => function ( $text ) {
      return 'hello';
  ] )
} );

add_filter( 'digster/functions', function ( $functions ) {
  return array_merge( $functions, [
    'uniqid' => 'uniqid'
  ] )
} );

add_filter( 'digster/globals', function ( $globals ) {
  return array_merge( $globals, [
    'num' => 1
  ] )
} );

digster_register_extensions( new My_First_Twig_Extension() );

// or

digster_register_extensions( [
	new My_First_Twig_Extension(),
	new My_Second_Twig_Extension()
] );

digster_render( 'page' [, $data = []] );

digster_share( 'site_name', 'Example' );

use Frozzare\Digster\Cache\WordPress_Cache_Adapter;
use Asm89\Twig\CacheExtension\CacheStrategy\LifetimeCacheStrategy;
use Asm89\Twig\CacheExtension\Extension as CacheExtension;

$cache_provider  = new WordPress_Cache_Adapter();
$cache_strategy  = new LifetimeCacheStrategy($cache_provider);
$cache_extension = new CacheExtension($cache_strategy);

digster_register_extensions( $cache_extension );
{{ post.post_content | shortcodes | raw }}
{{ post.post_content | wpautop | raw }}
<h1>{{ post.post_title }}</h1>