PHP code example of front / redisearch

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download front/redisearch library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


front / redisearch example snippets

$client = \FKRediSearch\RediSearch\Setup::connect( $server, $port, $password, 0 );

$index = new Index( $client ); // Initiate Index
$index->setIndexName('test'); // Set indexName


$index->setTemporary(3600); // The index will automatically be deleted after one hour. The underlying HASH values remain untouched. 

$index->setStopWords( 0 ); // This will disables excluding of stop-words
// Or you can add your list of stop-words
$stop_words = array('this', 'that', 'it', 'what', 'is', 'are');
$index->setStopWords( $stop_words );

$index->setNoOffsetsEnabled( true ); // If set, term offsets won't be stored for documents (saves memory, does not allow exact searches or highlighting).
$index->setNoFieldsEnabled( true ); // If set, field bits for each term won't be stored. This saves memory, does not allow filtering by specific fields.
$index->setDefaultLang( 'english' ); // Set default language of the index. 
$index->setLangField( 'language' ); // Set document field used to specify individual documents language.
$index->setScore(1); // Set a default score for that specific index. 
$index->setScoreField('scoreField'); // Set a field which specifies each individual documents score.
$index->setPayloadField('payloadField'); // Document field that should be used as a binary safe payload string
$index->setMaxFields(34); // Maximum allowed number of fields. This is to preserve memory use
$index->setNoHighlight(); // This will deactivate highlighting feature. 
$index->setNoFreqs(); // Prevents storing term frequencies. 
$index->skipInitialScan(); // Cancels initial HASH scanning when index created. 

$index->addTextField( $name, $weight = 1.0, $sortable = false, $noindex = false)
      ->addTagField( $name, $sortable = false, $noindex = false, $separator = ',')
      ->addNumericField( $name, $sortable = false, $noindex = false )
      ->addGeoField( $name, $noindex = false );
// Example 
$index->addTextField('title', 0.5, true, true) // `title TEXT WEIGHT 0.5, SORTABLE NOINDEX`
    ->addTextField('content') // `content TEXT WEIGHT 1.0`
    ->addTagField('category', true, true, ';') // `category TAG SEPARATOR ',' SORTABLE NOINDEX`
    ->addGeoField('location') // `location GEO`
    ->create(); // Finally, create the index.

$synonym = array(
  array( 'boy', 'child', 'baby' ),
  array( 'girl', 'child', 'baby' ),
  array( 'man', 'person', 'adult' )

$index->synonymAdd( $synonym );

$document = new Document();
$document->setScore(0.3); // The document's rank based on the user's ranking. This must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Default value is 1.0
$document->setLanguage('english'); // This is usefull for stemming
$document->setId('doc:123'); // This is the HASH key. RediSearch uses the prefix of document ID to index the document
// And the fields 
    'title'       => 'Document title like post title',
    'category'    => 'search, fuzzy, synonym, phonetic',
    'date'        => strtotime( '2019-01-14 01:12:00' ),
    'location'    => new GeoLocation(-77.0366, 38.8977),

$index->add( $document ); // Finally, add document to the index (in other term, index the document)


$query = new QueryBuilder();
  ->addCondition('field', ['value1', 'value2'], 'OR');
$condition = $query->buildRedisearchQuery();

$search = new Query( $client, 'indexName' );
$results = $search
        ->sortBy( $fieldName, $order = 'ASC' )
        ->geoFilter( $fieldName, $longitude, $latitude, $radius, $distanceUnit = 'km' )
        ->numericFilter( $fieldName, $min, $max = null )
        ->withScores() // If set, we also return the relative internal score of each document. this can be used to merge results from multiple instances
        ->withSortKey() // Returns the value of the sorting key
        ->verbatim() // if set, we do not try to use stemming for query expansion but search the query terms verbatim.
        ->withPayloads() // If set, we retrieve optional document payloads (see FT.ADD). the payloads follow the document id, and if WITHSCORES was set, follow the scores
        ->noStopWords() //  If set, we do not filter stopwords from the query
        ->slop() // If set, we allow a maximum of N intervening number of unmatched offsets between phrase terms. (i.e the slop for exact phrases is 0)
        ->inKeys( $number, $keys ) // If set, we limit the result to a given set of keys specified in the list. the first argument must be the length of the list, and greater than zero. Non-existent keys are ignored - unless all the keys are non-existent.
        ->inFields( $number, $fields ) // If set, filter the results to ones appearing only in specific fields of the document, like title or URL. num is the number of specified field arguments
        ->limit( $offset, $pageSize = 10 ) // If set, we limit the results to the offset and number of results given. The default is 0 10
        ->highlight( $fields, $openTag = '<strong>', $closeTag = '</strong>') 
        ->summarize( $fields = array(), $fragmentCount = 3, $fragmentLength = 50, $separator = '...') // Use this option to return only the sections of the field which contain the matched text
        ->return( $fields ) // Use this keyword to limit which fields from the document are returned. num is the number of fields following the keyword. If num is 0, it acts like NOCONTENT.
        ->noContent() // If it appears after the query, we only return the document ids and not the content. This is useful if RediSearch is only an index on an external document collection
        ->search( $query, $documentsAsArray = false ); // By default, return values will be object, but if TRUE is passed as `$documentsAsArray` results will return as array

$results->getCount(); // Returns search results numbers
$results->getDocuments(); // Returns search results object or array

$index->drop($deleteHashes); // This method accepts one param, if it set, the underlying HASHes will be deleted as well.