PHP code example of fromholdio / silverstripe-fulltext-filters

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download fromholdio/silverstripe-fulltext-filters library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


fromholdio / silverstripe-fulltext-filters example snippets

// Define your fulltext indexes:
private static $indexes = [
    'TitleFields' => [
        'type' => DBIndexable::TYPE_FULLTEXT,
        'columns' => [
    'ContentFields' => [
        'type' => DBIndexable::TYPE_FULLTEXT,
        'columns' => [

// Use in ORM filters:

// We're using BOOLEAN MODE matching
// Matches to the TitleFields index are weighted as five times more significant than ContentFields matches
// We're calculating the sum of relevance scores per matched record, and ordering the results by descending relevance score

public function getResults($value)
    $objects = ObjectClass::get()
            'TitleFields:FulltextBooleanRelevance(5)' => $value,
            'ContentFields:FulltextBooleanRelevance' => $value
        ->sort('@TitleFieldsScore + @ContentFieldsScore DESC');