PHP code example of friendsofhyperf / validated-dto

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download friendsofhyperf/validated-dto library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


friendsofhyperf / validated-dto example snippets

namespace App\DTO;

class UserDTO extends ValidatedDTO
    protected function rules(): array
        return [
            'name'     => ['

$dto = UserDTO::fromArray([
    'name' => 'Deeka Wong',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'password' => 'D3Crft!@1b2A'

$dto = UserDTO::fromJson('{"name": "Deeka Wong", "email": "[email protected]", "password": "D3Crft!@1b2A"}');

public function store(RequestInterface $request): JsonResponse
    $dto = UserDTO::fromRequest($request);

$user = new User([
    'name' => 'Deeka Wong',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'password' => 'D3Crft!@1b2A'

$dto = UserDTO::fromModel($user);

use App\DTO\UserDTO;
use Hyperf\Command\Command;

class CreateUserCommand extends Command
    protected ?string $signature = 'create:user {name} {email} {password}';

    protected string $description = 'Create a new User';

     * Execute the console command.
     * @return int
     * @throws ValidationException
    public function handle()
        $dto = UserDTO::fromCommandArguments($this);

use App\DTO\UserDTO;
use Hyperf\Command\Command;

class CreateUserCommand extends Command
    protected ?string $signature = 'create:user { --name= : The user name } { --email= : The user email } { --password= : The user password }';

    protected string $description = 'Create a new User';

     * Execute the console command.
     * @return int
     * @throws ValidationException
    public function handle()
        $dto = UserDTO::fromCommandOptions($this);

use App\DTO\UserDTO;
use Hyperf\Command\Command;

class CreateUserCommand extends Command
    protected ?string $signature = 'create:user {name}
                                        { --email= : The user email }
                                        { --password= : The user password }';

    protected string $description = 'Create a new User';

     * Execute the console command.
     * @return int
     * @throws ValidationException
    public function handle()
        $dto = UserDTO::fromCommand($this);

$dto = UserDTO::fromArray([
    'name' => 'Deeka Wong',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'password' => 'D3Crft!@1b2A'

$dto->name; // 'Deeka Wong'
$dto->email; // '[email protected]'
$dto->password; // 'D3Crft!@1b2A'

$dto = UserDTO::fromArray([
    'name' => 'Deeka Wong',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'password' => 'D3Crft!@1b2A',
    'username' => 'john_doe', 


namespace App\DTO;

use Hyperf\Stringable\Str;

class UserDTO extends ValidatedDTO
    protected function rules(): array
        return [
            'name'     => [' defaults(): array
        return [
            'username' => Str::snake($this->name),

$dto = UserDTO::fromArray([
    'name' => 'Deeka Wong',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'password' => 'D3Crft!@1b2A'

$dto->username; // 'deeka_wong'

$dto = UserDTO::fromArray([
    'name' => 'Deeka Wong',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'password' => 'D3Crft!@1b2A',

// [
//     "name" => "Deeka Wong",
//     "email" => "[email protected]",
//     "password" => "D3Crft!@1b2A",
// ]

$dto = UserDTO::fromArray([
    'name' => 'Deeka Wong',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'password' => 'D3Crft!@1b2A',

// '{"name":"Deeka Wong","email":"[email protected]","password":"D3Crft!@1b2A"}'

// {
//     "name": "Deeka Wong",
//     "email": "[email protected]",
//     "password": "D3Crft!@1b2A"
// }

$dto = UserDTO::fromArray([
    'name' => 'Deeka Wong',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'password' => 'D3Crft!@1b2A',

// App\Model\User {#3776
//     name: "Deeka Wong",
//     email: "[email protected]",
//     password: "D3Crft!@1b2A",
// }

 * Defines the custom messages for validator errors.
protected function messages() {
    return [];

 * Defines the custom attributes for validator errors.
protected function attributes() {
    return [];

 * Defines the type casting for the properties of the DTO.
 * @return array
protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'name' => new StringCast(),
        'age'  => new IntegerCast(),
        'created_at' => new CarbonImmutableCast(),

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new ArrayCast(),

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new BooleanCast(),

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new CarbonCast(),

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new CarbonCast('Europe/Lisbon'),

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new CarbonCast('Europe/Lisbon', 'Y-m-d'),

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new CarbonImmutableCast(),

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new CarbonImmutableCast('Europe/Lisbon'),

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new CarbonImmutableCast('Europe/Lisbon', 'Y-m-d'),

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new CollectionCast(),

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new CollectionCast(new IntegerCast()),

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new DTOCast(UserDTO::class),

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new FloatCast(),

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new IntegerCast(),

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new ModelCast(User::class),

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new ObjectCast(),

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new StringCast(),

 * Casts the given value.
 * @param  string  $property
 * @param  mixed  $value
 * @return mixed
public function cast(string $property, mixed $value): mixed;

class URLCast implements Castable
     * @param  string  $property
     * @param  mixed  $value
     * @return URLWrapper
    public function cast(string $property, mixed $value): URLWrapper
        return new URLWrapper($value);

class CustomDTO extends ValidatedDTO
    protected function rules(): array
        return [
            'url' => [' array
        return [
            'url' => new URLCast(),
php bin/hyperf.php gen:dto UserDTO