PHP code example of frictionlessdata / tableschema

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download frictionlessdata/tableschema library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


frictionlessdata / tableschema example snippets

use frictionlessdata\tableschema\Table;

$table = new Table("tests/fixtures/data.csv", ["fields" => [
    ["name" => "first_name"],
    ["name" => "last_name"],
    ["name" => "order"]

$table = new Table("tests/fixtures/data.csv", "tests/fixtures/data.json");

foreach ($table as $row) {
    print($row["order"]." ".$row["first_name"]." ".$row["last_name"]."\n");

Table::validate(new CsvDataSource(""), $schema);

$table = new Table("tests/fixtures/data.csv");
$table->schema()->fields();  // ["first_name" => StringField, "last_name" => StringField, "order" => IntegerField]

$table = new Table("tests/fixtures/data.csv", null, ["delimiter" => ";"]);

$table->read()  // returns all the data as an array

$table->read(["cast" => false, "limit": 5])

    "keyed" => true,  // flag to emit keyed rows
    "extended" => false,  // flag to emit extended rows
    "cast" => true,  //flag to disable data casting if false
    "limit" => null,  // integer limit of rows to return

$table->headers()  // ["first_name", "last_name", "order"]
$table->save("output.csv")  // iterate over all the rows and save the to a csv file
$table->schema()  // get the Schema object
$table->read()  // returns all the data as an array

$schema = new Schema([
    'fields' => [
            'name' => 'id', 'title' => 'Identifier', 'type' => 'integer', 
            'constraints' => [
                "aryKey' => 'id'

$schema = new Schema("{
    \"fields\": [
        {\"name\": \"id\"},
        {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"integer\"}

$schema = new Schema("");

$schema->missingValues(); // [""]
$schema->primaryKey();  // ["id"]
$schema->foreignKeys();  // []
$schema->fields(); // ["id" => IntegerField, "name" => StringField]
$field = $schema->field("id");  // Field object (See Field reference below)

// validate functions accepts the same arguments as the Schema constructor
$validationErrors = Schema::validate("http://invalid.schema.json");
foreach ($validationErrors as $validationError) {

$row = $schema->castRow(["id" => "1", "name" => "First Name"]);

$row  // ["id" => 1, "name" => "First Name"];

$schema->validateRow(["id" => "foobar"]);  // ["id is not numeric", "name is 

$schema = Schema::infer("tests/fixtures/data.csv");
$table->schema()->fields();  // ["first_name" => StringField, "last_name" => StringField, "order" => IntegerField]

$schema = new Schema();

    "id" => (object)["type" => "integer"],
    "name" => (object)["type" => "string"],

$schema->field("id");  // IntegerField object

$schema->field("email", ["type" => "string", "format" => "email"]);
$schema->field("name", ["type" => "string"]);




use frictionlessdata\tableschema\Fields\FieldsFactory;
$field = FieldsFactory::field([
    "name" => "id", "type" => "integer",
    "constraints" => ["

$field->castValue("3");  // exception: value is below minimum
$field->castValue("7");  // 7

$field("id")->format();  // "default"
$field("id")->name();  // "id"
$field("id")->type(); // "integer"
$field("id")->constraints();  // (object)["provided in descriptor)
$field("id")->description();  // "The ID" (or null if not provided in descriptor)
$field("id")->rdfType();  // "" (or null if not provided in descriptor)