PHP code example of fresh / sinch-bundle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download fresh/sinch-bundle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


fresh / sinch-bundle example snippets

use Fresh\SinchBundle\Service\Sinch;

class Foo {
    public function bar(Sinch $sinch) {
        // Set the outbound number where you want to send the SMS
        $messageId = $sinch->sendSMS('+13155555552', 'Your message');
        // If success then the ID of sent message is returned (it is an integer value)
        echo $messageId;

use Fresh\SinchBundle\Service\Sinch;

class Foo {
    public function bar(Sinch $sinch) {
        $messageId = 123456789; // The ID of Sinch message you get after successful SMS sending
        // Status is a string with one of these values: pending, successful, faulted, unknown
        $status = $sinch->getStatusOfSMS($messageId);
        // Other helper methods, return true of false

use Fresh\SinchBundle\Exception\PaymentRequired\SinchPaymentRequiredException;
use Fresh\SinchBundle\Service\Sinch;

class Foo {
    public function bar(Sinch $sinch) {
        try {
            $messageId = $sinch->sendSMS($phoneNumber, 'Your message');
            // Some logic related to SMS processing...
        } catch (SinchPaymentRequiredException $e) {
            $logger->error('SMS was not sent. Looks like your Sinch account run out of money.');
            // Here you can, for example, send urgent emails to admin users
            // to notify that your Sinch account run out of money