PHP code example of frantatacz / smssluzba

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download frantatacz/smssluzba library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


frantatacz / smssluzba example snippets

$sms = new \FrantataCZ\smssluzba\Sms("username", "password");

$sms->setMessage("Your SMS text");

$template = new \FrantataCZ\smssluzba\Template();
$template->setTemplate("myTemplate", "Hello, my name is {name}.");

$sms = new \FrantataCZ\smssluzba\Sms("username", "password");
$sms->setMessage($template->getTemplate("myTemplate", ["name" => "John"]));

$template = new \FrantataCZ\smssluzba\Template();
$template->setTemplate("myTemplate", "Hello, my name is {name}.");

$sms = new \FrantataCZ\smssluzba\Sms("username", "password");

try {
    $sms->addRecipients(["111222333", "2223333444", "888999000"]);
} catch (\FrantataCZ\smssluzba\Exception $e) {
    // Example error message: Phone number 2223333444 isn't valid.
    // Code: 400

try {
} catch (\FrantataCZ\smssluzba\Exception $e) {
    // Error message: Phone number 999999999 isn't valid.
    // Code: 400

try {
    $sms->setMessage($template->getTemplate("myTemplate", ["name" => "John"]));
} catch (\FrantataCZ\smssluzba\Exception $e) {
    // Error message: Text message isn't valid. (Max. 459 char.)
    // Code: 400
//var_dump($sms->getSMSArray()); => array(2) { ["message"]=> string(23) "Hello, my name is John." ["recipient"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(9) "111222333" [1]=> string(10) "2223333444" [2]=> string(9) "888999000" [3]=> string(9) "999999999" } }

try {
} catch (\FrantataCZ\smssluzba\Exception $e) {
    // Same error from sms-sluzba
    // 400;1 - Chybné telefonní číslo 111222333
    // 400;2 - Chybí text zprávy
    // 401 - Chybné přihlášení
    // 402 - Nedostatečný kredit
    // 503 - Chyba brány