PHP code example of frankperez87 / pma-fulfillment

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download frankperez87/pma-fulfillment library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


frankperez87 / pma-fulfillment example snippets

use PMA\BillingAddress;
use PMA\Order;
use PMA\PMA;
use PMA\Product;
use PMA\ShippingAddress;

try {
    // Instantiate PMA Account Class
    $account = new Account('client number here', "username", "password");

    // Instantiate Order Class
    $order = new Order();

    // Set Order Details
    //$order->setEmail(''); // Optional
    //$order->setCustomerNumber(''); // Optional

    // Add Products
    $order->addProduct(new Product('PROD123', 1, 5.99));

    // Instantiate Shipping Class
    $shipping = new ShippingAddress();
    //$shipping->setAttn('Test'); Optional
    $shipping->setLastName('Test'); // Optional
    $shipping->setAddressOne('123 Main Street');
    //$shipping->setAddressTwo(''); // Optional
    //$shipping->setPhoneNumber(''); // Optional

    // Instantiate Shipping Class
    $billing = new BillingAddress();
    $billing->setLastName('Test'); // Optional
    $billing->setAddressOne('123 Main Street');
    //$billing->setAddressTwo(''); // Optional

    // Add Shipping and Billing Objects to Order

    $pma = new PMA($account);
    $response = $pma->send();

} catch(InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage(); // Outputs any errors returned