1. Go to this page and download the library: Download francoisburdy/php-ovh-sms library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
francoisburdy / php-ovh-sms example snippets
* # Instantiate. Visit https://api.ovh.com/createToken/index.cgi?GET=/sms&GET=/sms/*&PUT=/sms/*&DELETE=/sms/*&POST=/sms/*
* to get your credentials
// Informations about your application
// You may set them to 'NULL' if you are using
// a configuraton file
$applicationKey = "your_app_key";
$applicationSecret = "your_app_secret";
$consumerKey = "your_consumer_key";
$endpoint = 'ovh-eu';
// Init SmsApi object
$Sms = new SmsApi( $applicationKey, $applicationSecret, $endpoint, $consumerKey );
// Get available SMS accounts
$accounts = $Sms->getAccounts();
// Set the account you will use
// Create a new message that will allow the recipient to answer (to FR receipients only)
$Message = $Sms->createMessage(true);
// Plan to send it in the future
$Message->setDeliveryDate(new DateTime("2018-02-25 18:40:00"));
$Message->send("Hello world!");
// Get all planned messages
$plannedMessages = $Sms->getPlannedMessages();
// Delete all planned messages
foreach ($plannedMessages as $planned) {
// Informations about your application
// You may set them to 'NULL' if you are using
// a configuraton file
$applicationKey = "your_app_key";
$applicationSecret = "your_app_secret";
$consumerKey = "your_consumer_key";
$endpoint = 'ovh-eu';
// Init SmsApi object
$Sms = new SmsApi( $applicationKey, $applicationSecret, $endpoint, $consumerKey );
// Get available SMS accounts
$accounts = $Sms->getAccounts();
// Set the account you will use
// Get declared senders
$senders = $Sms->getSenders();
// Create a new message
$Message = $Sms->createMessage();
// Plan to send it in the future
$Message->setDeliveryDate(new DateTime("2018-02-25 18:40:00"));
$Message->send("Hello world!");
// Get all planned messages
$plannedMessages = $Sms->getPlannedMessages();
// Delete all planned messages
foreach ($plannedMessages as $planned) {
$ git clone https://github.com/ovh/php-ovh-sms.git
$ cd php-ovh-sms
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