PHP code example of frameck / laravel-query-date-helpers

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download frameck/laravel-query-date-helpers library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


frameck / laravel-query-date-helpers example snippets

use Frameck\LaravelQueryDateHelpers\Enums\DateRangeType;

return [
     * If you want to exclude the current day/week/month/year etc. in the range you could use the exclusive range here as a default.
     * Note that you can also optionally specify it for almost every macro/scope directly when using it:
     * Order::lastDays(range: DateRangeType::EXCLUSIVE);
     * This will do an exclusive query, even though the global default range here is set to inclusive.
     * Possible values here are: DateRangeType::INCLUSIVE or DateRangeType::EXCLUSIVE
    'date_range_type' => DateRangeType::INCLUSIVE,

     * By default this package registers all the provided macros on Eloquent and Query builder.
     * If you don't want this behaviour set this value to false.
     * If you decide to not use the macros, this package provides also a trait that you can use on a specific model.
    'register_macros' => true,

     * When using Eloquent the package will use the CREATED_AT column
     * @link
     * When using Query Builder it uses the column below
    'column' => 'created_at',

use Frameck\LaravelQueryDateHelpers\Traits\HasDateScopes;

class Order extends Model
    use HasFactory;
    use HasDateScopes;

// yesterday, today and tomorrow methods accept the following parameters
?string $column = null

// betweenDates method accept the following parameters
?Carbon $dateStart = null,
?Carbon $dateEnd = null,
?string $column = null,
?DateRangeType $dateRangeType = null

// betweenDates method accepts these parameters

// using eloquent builder on Order model
Order::yesterday(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) = '2023-05-07'
Order::today(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) = '2023-05-08'
Order::tomorrow(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) = '2023-05-09'
Order::betweenDates(now()->startOfMonth(), now()->addMonths(2)); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) >= '2023-05-01' and date(`orders`.`created_at`) <= '2023-07-08'

// using query builder on DB facade
DB::table('orders')->yesterday()->toRawSql(); // select * from `orders` where date(`created_at`) = '2023-05-07'
DB::table('orders')->today()->toRawSql(); // select * from `orders` where date(`created_at`) = '2023-05-08'
DB::table('orders')->tomorrow()->toRawSql(); // select * from `orders` where date(`created_at`) = '2023-05-09'
DB::table('orders')->betweenDates(now()->startOfMonth(), now()->addMonths(2))->toRawSql(); // select * from `orders` where date(`created_at`) >= '2023-05-01' and date(`created_at`) <= '2023-07-08'

// all toDate methods accept the following parameters
?Carbon $date = null,
?string $column = null,
?DateRangeType $dateRangeType = null

// basic usage
Order::weekToDate(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) >= '2023-05-08' and date(`orders`.`created_at`) <= '2023-05-08'
// basic usage on a custom column
Order::weekToDate(column: 'date'); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`date`) >= '2023-05-08' and date(`orders`.`date`) <= '2023-05-08'
// or you can pass a Carbon instance for a custom date
Order::weekToDate(now()->subYear(), 'date'); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`date`) >= '2022-05-02' and date(`orders`.`date`) <= '2022-05-08'

// all last methods accept the following parameters
?string $column = null,
?DateRangeType $dateRangeType = null

Order::lastHour(); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-05-08 19:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-05-08 20:46:38'
Order::lastMonth(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) >= '2023-04-01' and date(`orders`.`created_at`) <= '2023-04-30'
Order::lastQuarter(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) >= '2023-01-01' and date(`orders`.`created_at`) <= '2023-03-31'

// all last n methods accept the following parameters
int $numberOfMinutes = 5,
?Carbon $date = null,
?string $column = null,
?DateRangeType $dateRangeType = null

// basic usage
Order::lastHours(); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-05-08 13:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-05-08 20:46:38'
Order::lastMonths(); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-03-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-05-08 20:46:38'
Order::lastQuarters(); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2022-11-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-05-08 20:46:38'

// more complex usage
Order::lastHours(12); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-05-08 08:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-05-08 20:46:38'
Order::lastMonths(6); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2022-11-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-05-08 20:46:38'
Order::lastQuarters(3); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2022-08-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-05-08 20:46:38'

// even more complex usage
Order::lastHours(12, now()->subYear()); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2022-05-08 08:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2022-05-08 20:46:38'
Order::lastMonths(6, now()->subYear()); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2021-11-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2022-05-08 20:46:38'
Order::lastQuarters(3, now()->subYear()); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2021-08-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2022-05-08 20:46:38'

// passing a DateRangeType (when DateRangeType::EXCLUSIVE the <= becomes <)
Order::lastHours(12, now()->subYear(), dateRangeType: DateRangeType::EXCLUSIVE); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2022-05-08 08:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` < '2022-05-08 20:46:38'
Order::lastMonths(6, now()->subYear(), dateRangeType: DateRangeType::EXCLUSIVE); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2021-11-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` < '2022-05-08 20:46:38'
Order::lastQuarters(3, now()->subYear(), dateRangeType: DateRangeType::EXCLUSIVE); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2021-08-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` < '2022-05-08 20:46:38'

// all this methods accept the following parameters
?string $column = null,
?DateRangeType $dateRangeType = null

Order::thisWeek(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) >= '2023-05-08' and date(`orders`.`created_at`) <= '2023-05-14'
Order::thisMonth(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) >= '2023-05-01' and date(`orders`.`created_at`) <= '2023-05-31'
Order::thisQuarter(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) >= '2023-04-01' and date(`orders`.`created_at`) <= '2023-06-30'

// all next methods accept the following parameters
?string $column = null,
?DateRangeType $dateRangeType = null

Order::nextHour(); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-05-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-05-08 21:46:38'
Order::nextMonth(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) >= '2023-06-01' and date(`orders`.`created_at`) <= '2023-06-30'
Order::nextQuarter(); // select * from `orders` where date(`orders`.`created_at`) >= '2023-07-01' and date(`orders`.`created_at`) <= '2023-09-30'

// all next n methods accept the following parameters
int $numberOfMinutes = 5,
?Carbon $date = null,
?string $column = null,
?DateRangeType $dateRangeType = null

// basic usage
Order::nextHours(); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-05-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-05-09 03:46:38'
Order::nextMonths(); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-05-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-07-08 20:46:38'
Order::nextQuarters(); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-05-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-11-08 20:46:38'

// more complex usage
Order::nextHours(12); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-05-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-05-09 08:46:38'
Order::nextMonths(6); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-05-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-11-08 20:46:38'
Order::nextQuarters(3); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2023-05-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2024-02-08 20:46:38'

// even more complex usage
Order::nextHours(12, now()->subYear()); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2022-05-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2022-05-09 08:46:38'
Order::nextMonths(6, now()->subYear()); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2022-05-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2022-11-08 20:46:38'
Order::nextQuarters(3, now()->subYear()); // select * from `orders` where `orders`.`created_at` >= '2022-05-08 20:46:38' and `orders`.`created_at` <= '2023-02-08 20:46:38'
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-query-date-helpers-config"