PHP code example of fpoirotte / enum-trait

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download fpoirotte/enum-trait library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


fpoirotte / enum-trait example snippets

    use \fpoirotte\EnumTrait;

    final class FavoriteColor implements Serializable
        use EnumTrait;

        private $RED;
        private $BLUE;
        private $GREEN;

    $red    = FavoriteColor::RED();
    $red2   = FavoriteColor::RED();
    $red3   = unserialize(serialize($red));
    $red4   = clone $red;
    $blue   = FavoriteColor::BLUE();

    // Compare two distinct values
    var_dump($red == $blue); // False

    // Compare various instances of the same value
    var_dump($red == $red2); // True
    var_dump($red == $red3); // True
    var_dump($red == $red4); // True

    // Get the enum's value name
    var_dump((string) $red); // "RED"


        function displayUsingFavoriteColor(FavoriteColor $color, $message) {
            // ...


        class MyEnum extends SomeInferiorEnum
            const VALUE1 = 'value1';