PHP code example of fpfgithub / cmq

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download fpfgithub/cmq library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


fpfgithub / cmq example snippets

define('APP_ENV', 'test');//根据不同的环境 区分同名队列
$isenv = true; //是否需要拼接环境后缀APP_ENV,默认true
$secretId = ""; //"云 API 密钥 SecretId";
$secretKey = ""; //"云 API 密钥 SecretKey";
$endPoint = '';//endPoint
$cmq =  new  Qcloud\Cmq($secretId, $secretKey, $endPoint, $isenv);

$queueName = 'test-queue';

for ($i=0; $i < 10; $i++) { 
	$f = $cmq->set($queueName, $i);
	echo $f.PHP_EOL;

do {
	$msg = $cmq->get($queueName);
	if ($msg) {
		$body = $msg->msgBody;
		$cmq->ack($queueName, $msg->receiptHandle);//应答 从队列中删除消息
		echo $body.PHP_EOL;
} while ($msg);

$count = $cmq->count($queueName);
echo 'count=>'.$count.PHP_EOL;
