PHP code example of forrest79 / deploy-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download forrest79/deploy-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


forrest79 / deploy-php example snippets

use Forrest79\DeployPhp;

    __DIR__ . '/../temp',
    __DIR__ . '/assets',
        'images' => DeployPhp\Assets::COPY,
        'fonts' => DeployPhp\Assets::COPY,
        'css/styles.css' => [ // target file
            'type' => DeployPhp\Assets::LESS,
            'file' => 'css/main.less',
        'css/styles' => [ // target directory, main.css will be created here
            'type' => DeployPhp\Assets::SASS,
            'file' => 'css/main.sass',
        'css/many-styles' => [ // target directory, main.css and print.css will be created here
            'type' => DeployPhp\Assets::SASS,
            'files' => [
        'js/scripts.js' => [ // target file
            'type' => DeployPhp\Assets::JS,
            'files' => [
        'js/jquery.min.js' => DeployPhp\Assets::COPY,
        'js/' => [
            'type' => DeployPhp\Assets::COPY,
            'env' => DeployPhp\Assets::DEBUG,
		'js/scripts.{format}.js' => [ // target file - will be compiled for more formats
			'type' => DeployPhp\Assets::ROLLUP,
			'file' => 'js/index.js',
    static function (string $configFile): ?string {
        if (!file_exists($configFile)) {
            return NULL;

        $data = Neon\Neon::decode(file_get_contents($configFile));
        if (!isset($data['assets']['hash'])) {
            return NULL;

        return $data['assets']['hash'];
    static function (string $configFile, string $hash): void {
        file_put_contents($configFile, "assets:\n\t\thash: $hash\n");
    ((($localConfig = @

return [
	'localSourceDirectory' => 'P:/app/assets',

return [
	'systemBinPath' => '/opt/usr/bin:/opt/bin',

$configurator->addConfig(__DIR__ . '/config/config.neon');

if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') {
    $assetsConfigFile = __DIR__ . '/config/config.assets.neon';
    if ($configurator->isDebugMode()) {
        $assets = @

// Service to use in application

namespace App\Assets;

class Assets
    /** @var string */
    private $hash;

    public function __construct(string $hash)
        $this->hash = $hash;

    public function getHash(): string
        return $this->hash;


// Extension that uses neon structure with hash (just register this as extension in config.neon)

namespace App\Assets\DI;

use App\Assets;
use Nette\DI\CompilerExtension;

class Extension extends CompilerExtension
    private $defaults = [
        'hash' => NULL,

    public function loadConfiguration()
        $builder = $this->getContainerBuilder();

        $config = $this->validateConfig($this->defaults, $this->config);

            ->setFactory(Assets\Assets::class, [$config['hash']]);


/** @var DeployPhp\Assets $assets */
$assets = y . '/app/config/config.assets.neon', $releaseBuildDirectory . '/www/assets')

use Forrest79\DeployPhp;

Y', 'define-this-in-deploy.local.php');
//define('SSH_AGENT_SOCK', 'define-this-in-deploy.local.php');
//define('DEPLOY_TEMP_DIRECTORY', 'define-this-in-deploy.local.php'); // if you want to change from default repository temp - on VirtualBox is recommended /tmp/... or some local (not shared) directory

                'username' => 'forrest79',
                'private_key' => 'C:\\Certificates\\certificate',
                'passphrase' => NULL, // is completed dynamically - if needed (agent is tried at first), can be also callback call when password is needed
				'ssh_agent' => SSH_AGENT_SOCK, // TRUE - try to read from env variable, string - socket file
            'deployScript' => '',

    private string $releasesDirectory;

    private string $releaseName;

    private string $releasePackage;

    private string $releaseBuildPackage;

    protected function setup()
        $this->releasesDirectory = defined('DEPLOY_TEMP_DIRECTORY')
            : __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'temp' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'deploy';

        $this->releaseName = 'release-' . date('Ymd-His') . '-' . uniqid();
        $this->releasePackage = $this->releaseName . '.tar.gz';
        $this->releaseBuildPackage = $this->releasesDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->releasePackage;

    public function run()
        /** when password is get at the begin of the script (the old way)
        if (!$this->validatePrivateKey()) {
            $this->error('Bad passphrase for private key or bad private key.');

        $this->log('=> Creating build...');
        $this->log('   ...DONE');

        $this->log('=> Deploying build...');
        $this->log('   ...DONE');

        $this->log('=> Cleaning up local files');
        $this->log('   ...DONE');

    private function createBuild()
        $releaseBuildDirectory = $this->releasesDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->releaseName;

        $this->log('     -> checkout from GIT', FALSE);
        if (!$this->gitCheckout(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..', $releaseBuildDirectory, $this->environment['gitBranch'])) {
            $this->error(' ...cant\'t checkout from GIT');
        $this->log(' ...OK');

        $this->log('     -> building assets', FALSE);

        $assets = ild (replace link to current)', FALSE);
        if (!$this->ssh('ln -sfn ' . $remoteReleaseBudilDirectory . ' ' . $this->environment['ssh']['directory'] . '/current_new && mv -Tf ' . $this->environment['ssh']['directory'] . '/current_new ' . $this->environment['ssh']['directory'] . '/current')) {
            $this->error(' - an error occurred while releasing build');
        $this->log(' ...OK');

        $this->log('     -> running after deploy script', FALSE);
        if (!$this->httpRequest($this->environment['deployScript'] . '?' . $this->releaseName , 'OK')) {
            $this->error(' error occurred while running deploy script');
        $this->log(' ...OK');

        $keepBuilds = 5;
        $this->log('     -> cleaning up old builds', FALSE);
        if (!$this->ssh('ls ' . $remoteReleaseDirectory . '/* -1td | tail -n +' . ($keepBuilds + 1) . ' | grep -v ' . $this->releaseName . ' | xargs rm -rf')) {
            $this->error(' error occurred while cleaning old build');
        $this->log(' ...OK');


 * RUN FROM COMMAND LINE *******************************************************
 * *****************************************************************************

if ($argc == 1) {
    echo "Usage: php deploy.php <environment> [git-branch]";

/** when password is get at the begin of the script 
echo 'Enter SSH key password: ';

try {
    $passphrase = Deploy::getHiddenResponse();
    echo PHP_EOL;
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
    echo '[Can\'t get hidden response, password will be visible]: ';
    $passphrase = Deploy::getResponse();

$additionalOptions = ['ssh' => ['passphrase' => $passphrase]];

$additionalOptions = [
	'ssh' => [
		'passphrase' => static function (Deploy $deploy, string $privateKeyFile): string {
			$passphrase = NULL;

			do {
				echo $passphrase === NULL ? PHP_EOL . '          > Enter SSH key password: ' : '  > Bad password, enter again: ';

				try {
					$passphrase = Deploy::getHiddenResponse();
					echo PHP_EOL . '        ';
				} catch (RuntimeException) {
					echo '[Can\'t get hidden response, password will be visible]: ';
					$passphrase = Deploy::getResponse();
			} while (!$deploy->validatePrivateKey($privateKeyFile, $passphrase));

			return $passphrase;

if ($argc > 2) {
    $additionalOptions['gitBranch'] = $argv[2];

try {
    (new Deploy($argv[1], $additionalOptions))->run();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";

#!/usr/bin/env php

(new Forrest79\DeployPhp\ComposerMonorepo(__DIR__ . '/composer.json', '--ignore-platform-reqs'))->updateSynchronize([
	'appA' => __DIR__ . '/apps/appA/composer.json',
	'appB' => __DIR__ . '/apps/appB/composer.json',

/apps/appA/vendor (autoload.php -> /vendor/autoload.php)
/apps/appB/vendor (autoload.php -> /vendor/autoload.php)
/vendor/[with all packages]
prepare-monocomposer (source is below)