PHP code example of foridom / laravel-shopping-cart
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download foridom/laravel-shopping-cart library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
foridom / laravel-shopping-cart example snippets
'storage' => \iBrand\Shoppingcart\Storage\DatabaseStorage::class,
'storage' => \iBrand\Shoppingcart\Storage\SessionStorage::class,
Item | null Cart::add(
string | int $id,
string $name,
int $quantity,
int | float $price
[, array $attributes = []]
$row = Cart::add(37, 'Item name', 5, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);
// Item:
// id => 37
// name => 'Item name'
// qty => 5
// price => 100.00
// color => 'red'
// size => 'M'
// total => 500.00
// __raw_id => '8a48aa7c8e5202841ddaf767bb4d10da'
$rawId = $row->rawId();// get __raw_id
$row->qty; // 5
Item Cart::update(string $rawId, int $quantity);
Item Cart::update(string $rawId, array $arrtibutes);
Cart::update('8a48aa7c8e5202841ddaf767bb4d10da', ['name' => 'New item name');
// or only update quantity
Cart::update('8a48aa7c8e5202841ddaf767bb4d10da', 5);
Collection Cart::all();
$items = Cart::all();
Item Cart::get(string $rawId);
$item = Cart::get('8a48aa7c8e5202841ddaf767bb4d10da');
boolean Cart::remove(string $rawId);
boolean Cart::destroy();
boolean Cart::clean(); // alias of destroy();
Cart::destroy();// or Cart::clean();
int | float Cart::total(); // alias of totalPrice();
int | float Cart::totalPrice();
$total = Cart::total();
// or
$total = Cart::totalPrice();
int Cart::countRows();
Cart::add(37, 'Item name', 5, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);
Cart::add(37, 'Item name', 1, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);
Cart::add(37, 'Item name', 5, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);
Cart::add(127, 'foobar', 15, 100.00, ['color' => 'green', 'size' => 'S']);
$rows = Cart::countRows(); // 2
int Cart::count($totalItems = true);
Cart::add(37, 'Item name', 5, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);
Cart::add(37, 'Item name', 1, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);
Cart::add(37, 'Item name', 5, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);
$count = Cart::count(); // 11 (5+1+5)
Collection Cart::search(array $conditions);
$items = Cart::search(['color' => 'red']);
$items = Cart::search(['name' => 'Item name']);
$items = Cart::search(['qty' => 10]);
bool Cart::isEmpty();
Cart Cart::associate(string $modelName);
$item = Cart::get('8a48aa7c8e5202841ddaf767bb4d10da');
$item->product->name; // $item->product is instanceof 'App\Models\Product'
Event::on('cart.adding', function($attributes, $cart){
// code
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="iBrand\Shoppingcart\ServiceProvider"