PHP code example of foothing / laravel-wrappr

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download foothing/laravel-wrappr library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


foothing / laravel-wrappr example snippets

Route::get('api/users/{id?}', ['middleware:wrappr.check:read.users,user,{id}', function() {
	// Access is allowed to users with the 'read.users' permission on
	// the 'user' resource with the {id} identifier

Route::controller('api/v1/{args?}', 'FooController');

GET /api/v1/resources/users
GET /api/v1/resources/posts
POST /api/v1/services/publish/post

	'verb' => 'put',
	'path' => 'api/v1/resources/posts/{id}',
	'permissions' => ['posts.create', 'posts.update'],
	'resource' => 'post',

'providers' => [
	// ...

'permissionsProvider' => 'Foothing\Wrappr\Lock\LockProvider',
'usersProvider' => 'Foothing\Wrappr\Providers\Users\DefaultProvider',

protected $routeMiddleware = [
	'wrappr.check' => 'Foothing\Wrappr\Middleware\CheckRoute',

Route::get('api/users', ['middleware:wrappr.check:admin.users', function() {
	// Access is allowed for the users with the 'admin.users' permission

Route::get('api/users/{id?}', ['middleware:wrappr.check:read.users,user,1', function() {
	// Access is allowed for the users with the 'read.users' permission on
	// the 'user' resource with the {id} identifier

Route::get('api/users/{id?}', ['middleware:wrappr.check:read.users,user,{id}', function() {
	// Access is allowed for the users with the 'read.users' permission on
	// the 'user' resource with the {id} identifier

Route::controller('api/v1/{args?}', 'FooController');

GET /api/v1/resources/users
GET /api/v1/resources/posts
POST /api/v1/services/publish/post

'routes' => [

		// Allowed values are 'get', 'post', 'put', 'delete'
		// or the '*' wildcard to enable all verbs.
		'verb' => 'post',

		// The url path we want to restrict access to.
		'path' => 'foo',

		// The 'post',
		'path' => 'api/v1/resources/users',
		'permissions' => 'admin.account',

	// This configuration will control the access to the
	// PUT:api/v1/resources/posts/{id} action, which will be
	// only allowed for users with both the 'posts.create' and
	// 'posts.update' permissions on the 'post' resource with
	// the {id} identifier.
		'verb' => 'put',
		'path' => 'api/v1/resources/posts/{id}',
		'permissions' => ['posts.create', 'posts.update'],
		'resource' => 'post',

	// In this case the 'admin/' nested routes
	// will be granted access only when the 'admin' permission
	// is available to the current auth user.
		'verb' => '*',
		'path' => 'admin/*',
		'permissions' => ['admin'],

	// You can also use the path wildcard in this way,
	// therefore requiring the 'superadmin' permission
	// for each route starting with 'admin'.
		'verb' => '*',
		'path' => 'admin*',
		'permissions' => ['superadmin'],

$installer = \App::make('foothing.wrappr.installer');
	->route('get', '/api/v1/*')->->

protected $middleware = [

'redirect' => '/login'

 * Check the given user has access to the given permission.
 * @param      $user
 * @param      $permissions
 * @param null $resourceName
 * @param null $resourceId
 * @return mixed
public function check($user, $permissions, $resourceName = null, $resourceId = null);

 * Check the given subject has access to the given permission.
 * @param      $permissions
 * @param null $resourceName
 * @param null $resourceId
 * @return mixed
public function can($permissions, $resourceName = null, $resourceId = null);

 * Fluent method to work on users.
 * @param $user
 * @return self
public function user($user);

 * Fluent method to work on roles.
 * @param $role
 * @return self
public function role($role);

 * Return all permissions for the given subject.
 * @return mixed
public function all();

 * Grant the given permissions to the given subject.
 * @param      $permissions
 * @param null $resourceName
 * @param null $resourceId
 * @return mixed
public function grant($permissions, $resourceName = null, $resourceId = null);

 * Revoke the given permissions from the given subject.
 * @param      $permissions
 * @param null $resourceName
 * @param null $resourceId
 * @return mixed
public function revoke($permissions, $resourceName = null, $resourceId = null);

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Foothing\Wrappr\WrapprServiceProvider"

php artisan migrate

php artisan wrappr:install