PHP code example of foothing / laravel-repository

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download foothing/laravel-repository library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


foothing / laravel-repository example snippets

// Make a repository instance manually
$repository = new EloquentRepository(new Post());

// Find first occurrence with matching field 'email'
$repository->findOneBy('email', '[email protected]');

// Find first occurrence where id > 1
$repository->findOneBy('id', '1', '>');

// Find where title starts with 'foo'
$repository->findAllBy('title', 'foo%', 'like');

// Find all occurrences where id > 1
$repository->findAllBy('id', '1', '>');

// Returns all posts

// Returns all post with Laravel pagination format

// Return record count
$repository->filter('name', 'Homer')->count();

// Create, update and delete instances.
$model = new Post(Input::all());
$freshMoel = $repository->create($model);
$updatedModel = $repository->update($model);

class PostsRepository extends EloquentRepository {
	function __construct(Post $post) {
		// Call superclass constructor.

	function customFancyMethod() {


class PostsRepository extends AbstractEloquentRepository {
	function __construct(Post $post, AnotherDependency $dependency) {
		// Do whatever you like with your $dependency

// Use with a dependency injector

class PostsController {
	protected $posts;

	function __construct(PostsRepository $posts) {
		$this->posts = $posts;

	function getIndex($id = null) {
		// Return one post by primary key
		return $this->posts->find($id);

$posts = $repository->with(['author', 'comments'])->all();

		"id": 1,
		"title": "Post title",
		"author": {
			"id": 1,
			"email": "[email protected]"
		"comments": [
			{"id": 1, "text": "a comment"},
			{"id": 2, "text": "another comment"},

$posts = $repository->with(['author', 'comments'])->findOneBy('name', 'foo');
$posts = $repository->with(['author', 'comments'])->all();
// And so on.

class User extends Model implements Foothing\Resources\Resource {
	 * Array of relations we want to eager-load when
	 * a single entity is being fetched.
	 * @return array
	function unitRelations() {
		return ['roles', 'posts'];

	 * Array of relations we want to eager-load when
	 * a list of entities is being fetched.
	 * @return array
	function listRelations() {
		return ['roles'];

	 * When the resource is sent in a json-encoded
	 * format it may happen to have relations fields
	 * populated. Since they would be set as stdClass
	 * objects we need to unset them before save.
	 * This method should return an array with all relations
	 * we want to be unset when processing the updates.
	 * @return array
	function skipOnSave() {
		return ['roles', 'posts'];

$users->find($id); 		// will eager load *roles* and *posts*
$users->findOneBy($id); // will eager load *roles* and *posts*
$users->create();		// will eager load *roles* and *posts*
$users->update();		// will eager load *roles* and *posts*
$users->all(); 			// will eager load *roles*
$users->paginate(); 	// will eager load *roles*

$criteria = new \Foothing\Repository\Eloquent\EloquentCriteria();
$criteria->filter('name', 'Homer');
$criteria->filter('lastName', 'Simpson');

// Chain methods

	->filter('name', 'Homer')
	->filter('lastName', 'Simpson')

// Defaults to '='
$criteria->filter('name', 'Homer');

$criteria->filter('name', 'Home%', 'like');
$criteria->filter('id', 1, '>');
$criteria->filter('id', 1', '>=');
$criteria->filter('id', 1, '<');
$criteria->filter('id', 1, '<=');
$criteria->filter('id', 1, '!=');
$criteria->filter('lastName', 'Simpson,Nahasapeemapetilon', 'in');

$criteria->filter('lastName', 'Simpson,Nahasapeemapetilon', 'in');
$criteria->filter('lastName', ['Simpson', 'Nahasapeemapetilon'], 'in');

class Foo extends Model {
	protected $table = 'foo';

	public function children() {
		return $this->hasMany('Bar');

$criteria->filter('', 'Bar');

class Homer extends Model {

	public function roles() {
		return $this->hasMany('Role');


$homer = Homer::find(1);
$foodCritic = Role::find(1);
$repository->attach($homer, 'roles', $foodCritic);
$repository->detach($homer, 'roles', $foodCritic);

// Model
class Person extends Model {

	public function scopeMale($query) {
		return $query->where('sex', 'male');

// Usage in Repository
$malePeople = $repository->scope('male')->all();
$malePeople = $repository->scope('male')->filter('name', 'Bart')->all();
$malePeople = $repository->scope('male')->paginate();
$malePeople = $repository->scope('male')->findAllBy('name', 'John');

protected $globalScope = 'whatever';

 namespace Foothing\Repository;

interface RepositoryInterface {

    //	Crud.

    public function find($id);
    public function findOneBy($field, $arg1, $arg2 = null);
    public function findAllBy($field, $arg1, $arg2 = null);
    public function all();
    public function paginate($limit = null, $offset = null);
    public function count();

    public function create($entity);
    public function update($entity);
    public function delete($entity);

    //	Eager loading.

    public function with(array $relations);

    //	Relations.

     * Attach $relatedEntity and $entity in a many-to-many relation.
     * @param Model $entity
     * @param string $relation
     * @param Model $relatedEntity
     * @return Model the updated $entity
    public function attach($entity, $relation, $relatedEntity);

     * Detach $entity and $relatedEntity in a many-to-many relation.
     * @param Model $entity
     * @param string $relation
     * @param Model $relatedEntity
     * @return Model the updated $entity
    public function detach($entity, $relation, $relatedEntity);

    //	Criteria shortcuts.

    public function criteria(CriteriaInterface $criteria);
    public function filter($field, $value, $operator = '=');
    public function order($field, $sort = null);
    public function sort($direction);

    //	Scopes.

    public function scope($scope);

    //	Helpers.

     * Forces the next read query to skip cached values.
     * @return self
    public function refresh();

     * Reset the refresh flag.
     * @return self
    public function reset();