PHP code example of foothing / laravel-gdpr-consent

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download foothing/laravel-gdpr-consent library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


foothing / laravel-gdpr-consent example snippets

'providers' => [
	// omitted


'aliases' => [
	// omitted

	'Consent' => Foothing\Laravel\Consent\Facades\Consent::class

'treatments' => [
		// A logical name for your treatment.
		'name' => 'gdpr.privacy',

		// You can specify which document
		// describes the treatment type
		// with a document version and url.
		// This part is optional.
		'documentVersion' => '1.0',
		'documentUrl' => env('PRIVACY_POLICY'),

		// Whether this treatment is active or not.
		// The reason why this flag is here is to
		// allow for progressive modifications, so you
		// can keep track of what the end user gave
		// consent to. So if you are upgrading or
		// changing the treatment the recommended
		// process is to deactivate the current one
		// then add a new record.
		'active' => true,

		// Set if this treatment is mandatory or optional.

class User extends Model implements ConsentSubject
	// This trait will implement the relation to the consent table.
	use HasConsents;

     * Returns the subject id.
     * @return mixed
	public function getSubjectId()
        return $this->id;


public function postRegister(Request $request)
	if (! $treatments = Consent::validate($request->all()) {
		// User didn't accept all the mandatory checkboxes.
		throw new \Exception("Consent is mandatory in order to proceed.");

public function postRegister(Request $request)
	// omitted

	// This will register a record with the
	// user's consent along with an event log.
	Facade::grant($treatments, Auth::user());

public function postUpdateConsent(Request $request)
	// You should pass only the checkboxes as the first argument.
	Consent::update($request->except('_token'), Auth::user());

	// redirect as you like.

public function deleteIndex(Request $request)

	\DB::transaction(function() use($user)
		// Delete the user first.
    	// i.e. $user->delete();

    	// This will remove consents and log the erasure request.

$event = new Event([
	// The subject id.
	'subject_id' => $user->id,

	// A string describing what has been done with subject's data.
	'action' => $action,

	// Optional, consent record id.
	'consent_id' => $consentId,

// Retrieving subject's logs
<!-- Cycle through active treatments, just like the register page. -->
@foreach(Consent::treatments() as $treatment)
	<div class="checkbox">
			<input {{ Consent::exists($user, $treatment) ? 'checked' : '' }} name="{{ $treatment->id }}" type="checkbox">
			{{ trans($treatment->description) }}