PHP code example of foorg / moose

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download foorg/moose library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


foorg / moose example snippets

class Message
     * @ObjectField("Recipient")
    private $recipient;

     * @StringField()
    private $subject;

     * @StringField()
    private $body;

class Recipient
     * @StringField()
    private $fullname;

     * @StringField()
    private $email;

use moose\Mapper;
use moose\metadata\AnnotationMetadataProvider;
use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader;
use function moose\default_coercers;

$reader = new AnnotationReader();
$mapper = new Mapper(new AnnotationMetadataProvider($reader), default_coercers());

$result = $mapper->map(Message::class, $json);

class Event
     * @StringField()
    public $name;

     * @TaggedUnionField("type", "map" = {
     *   "payment" = "PaymentObject",
     *   "withdrawal" = "WithdrawalObject",
     *   "unknown" = MapField()
     * })
    public $payload;

use moose\annotation\Field;
use moose\annotation\exception\InvalidTypeException;
use function moose\type;

 * @Annotation
 * @Target({"PROPERTY", "ANNOTATION"})
class CommaArrayField extends Field
    public $T;

    public $separator;

    public function __construct(array $options)
        if (isset($options["value"])) {
            $options["T"] = $options["value"]; // "value" is always the unnamed first argument of an annotation, if any
        if ( ! isset($options["T"]) || ! $options["T"] instanceof Field) {
            throw new InvalidTypeException(self::class, "T", Field::class, type($options["T"]));
        if ( ! isset($options["separator"])) {
            throw new InvalidTypeException(self::class, "separator", "string", "null");


    public function getArgs()
        return [$this->T, $this->separator]; // this will be placed in $metadata->args

    public function getTypeName(): string
        return "comma_array";

use moose\coercer\TypeCoercer;
use moose\Context;
use moose\ConversionResult;
use moose\error\TypeError;
use moose\metadata\TypeMetadata;
use function moose\type;

class CommaArrayCoercer implements TypeCoercer
    public function coerce($value, TypeMetadata $metadata, Context $ctx): ConversionResult
        if ( ! \is_string($value)) {
            return ConversionResult::error(new TypeError("string", type($value)));
        if (\strlen($value) === 0) {
            return ConversionResult::value([]);

        $value = explode($metadata->args[1], $value);

        $errors = [];
        $type = $metadata->args[0]; /** @var TypeMetadata $type */
        $mapped = [];

        foreach ($value as $idx => $v) {
            $result = $ctx->coerce($v, $type);
            if ($result->getErrors()) {
                $errors[] = $result->errorsAtIdx($idx);

                // if some of our values couldn't be coerced completely, we can't say that this array
                // is correct so we bail out and return only errors
                if ($result->getValue() === null) {
                    return ConversionResult::errors(array_merge(...$errors));

            $mapped[] = $result->getValue();

        $errors = $errors ? array_merge(...$errors) : [];

        return ConversionResult::errors($errors, $mapped);

$coercers = default_coercers() + [
    // "comma_array" = CommaArrayField::getTypeName()
    "comma_array" => new CommaArrayField()
$mapper = new Mapper(new AnnotationMetadataProvider($reader), $coercers);

class IncrementImpressions
     * @CommaArrayField(@IntField(), separator=",")
    private $ids;
