PHP code example of flooris / dpd-shipper-laravel

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download flooris/dpd-shipper-laravel library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


flooris / dpd-shipper-laravel example snippets

// Borsigstraße 20-22, 44145 Dortmund, Duitsland
$countryIso  = 'DE';
$postalCode  = '44145';
$parcelCount = 1;

$email       = '[email protected]';
$mobilePhone = '0612345678';

$shipmentProduct = new DpdShipmentProduct($countryIso, $postalCode);

$predict = $shipmentProduct->getPredict($countryIso, $email, $mobilePhone);

$parcels = new DpdParcels();

$recipient = new DpdRecipient(
    name1: 'John Doe',
    street: 'Borsigstraße',
    houseNumber: '20-22',
    countryIso: 'DE',
    postalCode: $postalCode,
    city: 'Dortmund',
    email: $email

try {
    $shipmentLabel = $this->dpdShipperConnector->shipmentService()->createShipment(
        shipmentProduct: $shipmentProduct,
        parcelCount: $parcelCount,
        parcels: $parcels,
        sender: $this->dpdSender,
        recipient: $recipient,
        dpdPredict: $predict
    $mpsId              = $shipmentLabel->mpsId;
    $barcodeCollection  = $shipmentLabel->getBarcodes();
    $pdfData            = $shipmentLabel->fileData;

} catch (DpdShipmentResponseException $e) {
} catch (\SoapFault $e) {
    throw $e;
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=dpd-shipper-config
nano config/dpd-shipper.php