PHP code example of floda / yahoo_finance

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download floda/yahoo_finance library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


floda / yahoo_finance example snippets

// Instance Object
$yf = new \floda\yahoo_finance\YF();

$symbol ="TRAN.BA";       //tickers with no .XX, API will return US stock market ticker  
                          //for example: $symbol="AAPL";
                          // For another countries, you can use for example:
                          // .BA -> Argentina -> Buenos Aires Stock Exchange (BYMA)

$time_ago = "3 months";   //you can use xx days, xx weeks, xx months, xx years, etc

$historical = $yf->getHistorical($symbol, $time_ago);
  [0] => Array
          [date] => 2019-10-04
          [open] => 21.950001
          [high] => 22.9
          [low] => 21.950001
          [close] => 22.9
          [adjClose] => 22.9
          [volume] => 277948


  [59] => Array
          [date] => 2020-01-03
          [open] => 25.5
          [high] => 25.549999
          [low] => 24.5
          [close] => 24.950001
          [adjClose] => 24.950001
          [volume] => 229283

// Instance Object
$yf = new \floda\yahoo_finance\YF();


$fx = $yf->getFX($currency_1,$currency_2);

    [symbol] => USDARS=X
    [date] => 2020-01-04 5:55:51
    [bid] => 59.729
    [ask] => 59.734
    [high] => 59.73
    [low] => 59.729
    [open] => 59.73
    [previous] => 59.729
    [price] => 59.729

// Instance Object
$yf = new \floda\yahoo_finance\YF();

$symbol = "YPF";

$quote = $yf->getQuote($symbol);

    [symbol] => YPF
    [price] => 11.16
    [date] => 2020-01-03 21:02:00
    [book] => Array
            [bidSize] => 31
            [bid] => 11.14
            [ask] => 11.57
            [askSize] => 9

    [today] => Array
            [high] => 11.49
            [low] => 10.86
            [open] => 11.24
            [previousDay] => 11.26
            [volume] => 2732642
            [change] => -0.10000038
            [changePercent] => -0.8881029

    [AfterMarket] => Array
            [price] => 11.0746
            [change] => -0.08539963
            [changePercent] => -0.76522964
            [lastTrade] => 2020-01-03 21:26:02

    [financials] => Array
            [name] => YPF Sociedad Anonima
            [mktCap] => 4389372928
            [sharesOutstanding] => 393312992
            [volumeAvg3Month] => 2095557
            [bookValue] => 33.975
            [eps12Month] => 3.125
            [dividendRate] => 0.089
            [dividendYield] => 0.007904085

    [stats] => Array
            [SMA50] => 10.16606
            [SMA200] => 11.737482
            [1yrHigh] => 18.73
            [1yrHighChangePercent] => -0.40416443
            [1yrLow] => 8.04
            [1yrLowChangePercent] => 0.38805968


// Instance Object
$yf = new \floda\yahoo_finance\YF();


$expirations = $yf->getExpirations($symbol);
  [0] => Array
          [unix] => 1578614400
          [days] => 6
          [expiration] => 2020-01-10


  [9] => Array
          [unix] => 1642723200
          [days] => 748
          [expiration] => 2022-01-21

// Instance Object
$yf = new \floda\yahoo_finance\YF();


$expirations = $yf->getExpirations($symbol);
$contracts = $yf->getContracts($symbol,$expirations[0]['unix']);

    [0] => Array
            [symbol] => AAPL
            [spot] => 297.43
            [expiration] => 2020-01-10
            [strike] => 230
            [otm_abs] => 22.67
            [call_contract] => AAPL200110C00230000
            [call_bid] => 67.85
            [call_ask] => 69.6
            [call_lastPrice] => 68.99
            [call_volume] => 18
            [call_openInterest] => 0
            [call_lastTradeDateUNIX] => 1578069878
            [call_lastTradeDate] => 2020-01-03
            [put_contract] => AAPL200110P00230000
            [put_bid] => 0.02
            [put_ask] => 0.03
            [put_lastPrice] => 0.03
            [put_volume] => 6
            [put_openInterest] => 0
            [put_lastTradeDateUNIX] => 1578061990
            [put_lastTradeDate] => 2020-01-03
            [IV] => 95.9


    [37] => Array
           [symbol] => AAPL
           [spot] => 297.43
           [expiration] => 2020-01-10
           [strike] => 350
           [otm_abs] => 17.67
           [call_contract] => AAPL200110C00350000
           [call_bid] => 0.02
           [call_ask] => 0.03
           [call_lastPrice] => 0.05
           [call_volume] => 405
           [call_openInterest] => 0
           [call_lastTradeDateUNIX] => 1578084931
           [call_lastTradeDate] => 2020-01-03
           [put_contract] => AAPL200110P00350000
           [put_bid] => 51
           [put_ask] => 51.85
           [put_lastPrice] => 51.7
           [put_volume] => 2
           [put_openInterest] => 0
           [put_lastTradeDateUNIX] => 1577983464
           [put_lastTradeDate] => 2020-01-02
           [IV] => 45.31